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dc.contributor.advisorJuniarti, Ulfah
dc.contributor.advisorHartoyo, Adisti Permatasari Putri
dc.contributor.authorSinta, Desti Ramada
dc.description.abstractPemulihan lahan kritis dapat dilakukan melalui pemilihan jenis tanaman adaptif seperti sengon (Falcataria falcata) dan nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), pemberian pupuk dari limbah kelapa sawit (LKS), dan teknik seedball. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat formula pupuk kitosan (CS)-asam asetat (AA)-NPK-microfertilizers berbasis limbah kelapa sawit, serta menganalisis aplikasi seedball untuk pertumbuhan sengon dan nyamplung pada tanah mineral di Kecamatan Tenjolaya. Microfertilizers yang terdiri atas CS-AA-NPK-mikro lignoselulosa (ML), CS-AA-NPK-mikro-kristalin selulosa (MK), CS-AA-NPK-mikro-karbon teraktivasi (MT), CS-AA-NPK- mikro-karbon non teraktivasi (MNT), CS-AA-NPK, dan kontrol dengan taraf 1%, 3%, 5%, dan 7%. Rancangan percobaan pertumbuhan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial dengan 3 faktor yaitu formula pupuk, taraf pupuk, dan jenis tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis tanaman, interaksi formula dengan taraf pupuk, interaksi formula dengan jenis tanaman, dan interaksi ketiga faktor berpengaruh nyata pada semua variabel pertumbuhan, sedangkan faktor lain berpengaruh nyata pada sebagian variabel pertumbuhan. Hasil terbaik pada nyamplung adalah CS-AA-NPK-MNT1%, sedangkan pada sengon adalah CS-AA-NPK-ML3%.
dc.description.abstractRestoration of critical land can be done through the selection of adaptive plant species such as sengon (Falcataria falcata) and nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum), fertilizers from palm oil waste (LKS), and seedball techniques. The purpose of this research is to make a chitosan (CS)-acetic acid (AA)-NPK-microfertilizers formula based on palm oil waste, and analyze the application of seedball for the growth of sengon and nyamplung on mineral soil in Tenjolaya District. Microfertilizers consisting of CS-AA-NPK-micro lignocellulose (ML), CS-AA-NPK-micro-crystalline cellulose (MK), CS-AA-NPK-micro-activated carbon (MT), CS-AA-NPK-non-activated micro-carbon (MNT), CS-AA-NPK, and control with levels of 1%, 3%, 5%, and 7%. The design of the growth experiment used a Factorial Completely Randomized Design with 3 factors, namely fertilizer formula, fertilizer level, and plant type. The results showed that the type of plant, the interaction of the formula with the level, the interaction of the formula with the type of plant, and the interaction of the three factors had a significant effect on all growth variables, while other factors had a significant effect on some growth variables. The best result on nyamplung is CS-AA-NPK-MNT1%, while on sengon is CS-AA-NPK-ML3%.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAplikasi Seedball Kitosan-AA-NPK-microfertilizers untuk Pertumbuhan Sengon (Falcataria falcata L.) dan Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum L.) pada Tanah Mineral Tenjolayaid
dc.title.alternativeApplication of Seedball Chitosan-AA-NPK-microfertilizers for the Growth of Sengon (Falcataria falcata L.) and Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum L.) on Tenjolaya Mineral Soil
dc.subject.keywordcritical landid
dc.subject.keywordadaptive plantsid

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