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dc.contributor.advisorPatabang, Melewanto
dc.contributor.advisorBatubara, Rima Pratiwi
dc.contributor.authorRAIPUTRI, R.SHIFA SHIYAMIYA
dc.description.abstractTerumbu karang merupakan salah satu ekosistem yang paling produktif dan kaya dari segi hayati. Terumbu karang memberikan manfaat besar bagi jutaan penduduk yang tinggal di sekitar pesisir salah satunya sebagai daya tarik wisatawan. Tujuan proyek akhir ini adalah mengindentifikasi sumberdaya ekosistem terumbu karang, mengidentifikasi karakteristik, preferensi, serta kepuasaan pengujung, serta merancang program ekowisata ekosistem terumbu karang dan luaran. Pelaksanaan penelitian pada 05 November - 25 Desember 2023 di Kecamatan Lepar Kabupaten Bangka Selatan. Pengambilan data berupa sumber daya ekowisata ekosistem terumbu karang, parameter perairan, komposisi subsrat, kesehatan terumbu karang, sumberdaya ikan karang, serta karakteristrik, preferensi, dan kepuasaan pengujung. Teknik pengambilan data observasi langsung, penyebaran kuesioner dengan metode accidental sampling kepada 50 orang wisatawan, serta studi literatur. Analisis data dengan metode kuantitatif yaitu menggunakan rumus keanekaragaman, dominasi, software CPCe, tingkat kesehatan terumbu karang, skala likert. Sumberdaya ekowisata ekosistem terumbu karang yang terdapat di Kecamatan Lepar di temukan 27 genus terumbu karang, 8 famili ikan karang. Luaran yang dihasilkan sebagai upaya pengembangan ekowisata ekosistem terumbu karang dengan judul “Ngayau Ke Karang Kucek” dan ”Vacation in Lepar Island” serta poster promosi dan peta sebaran terumbu karang.
dc.description.abstractCoral reefs are one of the most productive and biologically rich ecosystems. Coral reefs provide great benefits for millions of people living around the coast, one of which is as a tourist attraction. The aim of this final project is to identify coral reef ecosystem resources, identify characteristics, preferences and visitor satisfaction, as well as design a coral reef ecosystem ecotourism program and its output. The research will be carried out on 05 November - 25 December 2023 in Lepar District, South Bangka Regency. Data was collected in the form of coral reef ecosystem ecotourism resources, water parameters, substrate composition, coral reef health, coral fish resources, as well as characteristics, preferences and visitor satisfaction. Data collection techniques were direct observation, distributing questionnaires using the accidental sampling method to 50 tourists, as well as literature studies. Data analysis using quantitative methods, namely using the diversity formula, dominance, CPCe software, coral reef health level, Likert scale. Coral reef ecosystem ecotourism resources in Lepar District found 27 coral reef genera and 8 families of coral fish. The output produced is an effort to develop ecotourism in the coral reef ecosystem with the titles "Ngayau Ke Karang Kucek" and "Vacation in Lepar Island" as well as promotional posters and maps of the distribution of coral reefs
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengembangan Ekowisata Ekosistem Terumbu Karang di Kecamatan Lepar Kabupaten Bangka Selatanid
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Ecotourism Coral Reef Ecosystem in Lepar District of Bangka Regency South
dc.typeTugas Akhir
dc.subject.keywordLepar Sub-Districtid
dc.subject.keywordEcotourism Developmentid
dc.subject.keywordCoral Reef Ecosystemid
dc.subject.keywordSouth Bangka Regencyid

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