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dc.contributor.advisorSundawati, Leti
dc.contributor.authorAndryanti, Siti Tarissa
dc.description.abstractKontribusi Hutan Rakyat Agroforestri terhadap Pendapatan Petani di Desa Argapura Kecamatan Cigudeg Kabupaten Bogor. Dibimbing oleh Leti Sundawati. Hutan rakyat agroforestri memiliki manfaat secara ekologi, ekonomi dan sosial. Desa Argapura merupakan salah satu desa di Kecamatan Cigudeg yang memiliki lahan agroforestri yang besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung kontribusi pendapatan petani dari hutan rakyat agroforestri dan menganalisis karakteristik petani yang memengaruhi pendapatan petani dari sistem agroforestri agar mencapai kesejahteraan petani. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara terhadap 30 responden yang dipilih secara convinience sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi hutan rakyat agroforestri sebesar 77,3%. Pendapatan petani lebih besar daripada pengeluaran petani. Namun, setelah dilakukan analisis tingkat kesejahteraan petani, melalui batas garis kemiskinan UMR Kabupaten Bogor 2024, sebanyak 66,7% petani mempunyai pendapatan agroforestri dibawah batas garis kemiskinan dan sebanyak 13,3% petani berada di bawah batas garis kemiskinan berdasarkan garis kemiskinan Kabupaten Bogor. Karakteristik petani yang memengaruhi pendapatan menurut korelasi rank spearman yaitu usia, lama bertani, luas kepemilikan lahan dan pendidikan. Semakin besar nilai korelasi koefisien semakin besar juga pengaruhnya kepada pendapatan agroforestri. Kata kunci: Agroforestri, kayu, kesejahteraan, kontribusi, pendapatan
dc.description.abstractContribution of Agroforestry Community Forests to Farmers' Income in Argapura Village Cigudeg District Bogor Regency. Supervised by Leti Sundawati. Agroforestry community forests have ecological, economic, and social benefits. Argapura Village is one of the villages in Cigudeg District, which has a large agroforestry area. The research aims to calculate the contribution of farmers' income from agroforestry community forests and analyze farmer characteristics that influence farmer income from agroforestry systems to achieve farmer welfare. Data collection was carried out through interviews with 30 respondents selected using convenience samplingThe research results show that the contribution of agroforestri community forests is 77.3%. Farmers' income is higher significant than farmers' expenses. However, after analyzing the level of welfare of farmers after analyzing the level of welfare of farmers based on the 2024 Bogor Regency UMR poverty line, 66.7% of farmers have agroforestry income below the poverty line, and 13.3% of farmers are below the poverty line based on the poverty line. Poverty in Bogor Regency. Farmer characteristics can affect income according to Spearman's rank correlation are age, years of farming, size of land ownership and education.. The greater the correlation coefficient value impact to agroforestry income. Keywords: Agroforestry, contribution, income, timber, welfare
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKontribusi Hutan Rakyat terhadap Pendapatan Petani di Desa Argapura Kecamatan Cigudeg Kabupaten Bogorid
dc.title.alternativeContribution of Agroforestry Community Forests to Farmer's Income in Argapura Village Cigudeg District Bogor Regency.
dc.subject.keywordhutan rakyat agroforestri, Agroforestry, contribution, income, timber, welfareid

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