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dc.contributor.advisorPristihadi, Diah Nugrahani
dc.contributor.advisorMaheshwari, Hera
dc.contributor.authorUtami, Dian Maulia
dc.description.abstractMultiproses pencernaan menjadi faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk mencapai keberhasilan dari suatu pengobatan. Faktor umur diduga memengaruhi kinerja dan penyerapan suatu sediaan dari formulasi oral. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbandingan gastric emptying time (GET) dan respons motilitas usus tikus pediatri dan dewasa yang diberikan sari jeruk sebagai model obat asam. Tikus diberikan sediaan sari jeruk sesuai dosis kelompok perlakuan melalui rute oral. Selanjutnya, tikus dilakukan anestesi dan pembedahan ruang abdomen. Organ lambung diperhatikan dan dicatat waktu hingga isi organ tersebut kosong. Setelah didapatkan GET, motilitas usus tikus diamati dengan metode gastrointestinal transit. Hasil tersebut dianalisis menggunakan two-way ANOVA. Rata-rata GET fisiologis normal tikus pediatri dan dewasa adalah 59,00 dan 54,67 menit. Sementara itu, pemberian sari jeruk dengan dosis tertinggi (20 g/kg BB) memperpanjang GET secara signifikan. Faktor keasaman, konsistemsi, dan kandungan karbohidrat sari jeruk memengaruhi perbedaan GET. Terhadap motilitas usus, peningkatan dosis pemberian sari jeruk dan umur tikus meningkatkan rasio marker dan kecepatan peristaltik secara signifkan. Kondisi ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan dosis sari jeruk memperpanjang GET tikus, serta peningkatan baik umur dan dosis pemberian sari jeruk meningkatkan motilitas usus.
dc.description.abstractMultiprocess digestion is a factor that needs to be considered to achieve successful treatment. Age and dose factors are thought to influence the performance and absorption of oral formations. This study aims to determine the comparison of gastric emptying time (GET) and intestinal motility responses of pediatric and adult rats given orange juice as a model of acid medication. Rats were given orange juice according to the dose of the treatment group via the oral route. The rats underwent anesthesia and the abdominal cavity was dissected. The gastric organs were observed and the GET was recorded. After obtaining of GET, intestinal motility was observed using the gastrointestinal transit method. The results were analyzed using two-way ANOVA. Physiologically, the average of GET for pediatric and adult rats is 59,00 and 54,67 minutes. Meanwhile, administration of orange juice at the highest dose (20 g/kg BW) significantly prolonged of GET. The acidity, consistency and carbohydrate of orange juice affect of GET. Increasing the dose and age of the rats also significantly increased the marker ratio and peristaltic speed. This condition shows that increasing the dose of orange juice prolongs the GET of rats, and increasing both age and dose increases intestinal motility.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerbandingan Respons Gastric Emptying Time dan Motilitas Usus Tikus (Rattus norvegicus) Pediatri dan Dewasa dengan Pemberian Sari Jerukid
dc.title.alternativeComparison of Gastric Emptying Time and Intestinal Motility Responses of Pediatric and Adult Rats (Rattus norvegicus) with Orange Juice
dc.subject.keywordgastric emptying timeid
dc.subject.keywordsari jerukid
dc.subject.keywordmotilitas ususid

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