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dc.contributor.advisorTarigan, Ronald
dc.contributor.advisorMaheshwari, Hera
dc.contributor.authorMa’rufi, Yoga Sekar
dc.description.abstractInfrared thermography merupakan metode penginderaan non-invasif untuk mendeteksi suhu tubuh. Suhu tersebut dapat digunakan untuk menilai kondisi kesehatan hewan seperti estrus dan tingkat stres. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keakuratan infrared thermography dalam mendeteksi estrus pada sapi indukan Peranakan Limousin dan Peranakan Simmental serta pengaruh suhu dan kelembapan lingkungan terhadap suhu permukaan tubuh. Parameter yang diukur dalam penelitian adalah suhu dan kelembapan kandang, respon fisiologis (suhu rektal, frekuensi pulsus dan napas) dan suhu permukaan tubuh (mata, muzzle, telinga dan vulva). Suhu permukaan tubuh sapi Peranakan Limousin tidak memiliki perbedaan nyata (p>0,05) antara sapi estrus dan non-estrus, sedangkan suhu permukaan tubuh sapi Peranakan Simmental memiliki perbedaan nyata (p<0,05) antara sapi estrus dan non-estrus. Respon fisiologis kedua jenis sapi tersebut tidak memiliki perbedaan nyata (p>0,05) antara sapi estrus dan non-estrus. Peningkatan suhu disebabkan oleh adanya peningkatan aliran darah karena lonjakan LH (Luteinizing hormone), dan tingginya hormon estrogen dalam sirkulasi. Koefisien korelasi antara respon fisiologis dan suhu permukaan tubuh sapi dengan suhu serta kelembapan kandang sangat bervariasi karena faktor ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap perubahan panas dan proses termoregulasi tubuh. Infrared thermography termasuk dalam teknik non-invasif yang akurat untuk mendeteksi estrus pada sapi indukan Peranakan Simmental yang ditandai dengan adanya peningkatan suhu permukaan tubuh
dc.description.abstractInfrared thermography is a non-invasive sensing method used to detect animal body temperature. The temperature measurements can indicate the animal's health conditions, including estrous and stress levels. The study was conducted to determine the accuracy of Infrared Thermography in detecting estrous in Limousin-cross and Simmental-cross cattle breeds, as well as the effect of environmental temperature and humidity on body surface temperature when cows are in estrus or not. The parameters measured in the study included cage temperature and humidity, physiological responses (rectal temperature, pulse, and breath frequency), and body surface temperature (eye, muzzle, ear, and vulva). The body surface temperature of Limousin-cross showed no significant difference (p>0.05) between estrus and non-estrus. However, the body surface temperature of Simmental-cross showed a significant difference (p<0.05) between estrus and non-estrus. The physiological responses both of breeds had no significant difference (p>0.05) between estrus and non-estrus. This is because of the increase in blood flow due to the surge of LH (Luteinizing hormone), and the high of estrogen hormones in circulation. The correlation coefficients between physiological responses and body surface temperature of cattle with the environmental temperature and humidity varied widely because both factors greatly affect heat changes and thermoregulation process in the body. In conclusion, Infrared thermography is an accurate non-invasive technique to detect estrus in Simmental-cross characterized by an increase in body surface temperature.
dc.description.sponsorshipProgram Matching Fund Kedaireka TA 2023 dari Kepala LKST IPB Nomor 18970/IT3.L1/HK.07.00/P/T/2023
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePemanfaatan Teknologi Infrared Thermography untuk Deteksi Birahi pada Sapi Indukan Peranakan Limousin dan Peranakan Simmentalid
dc.title.alternativeUtilization of Infrared Thermography Technology for Estrous Detection in various Limousin-cross and Simmental-cross Cattle Breeds
dc.subject.keywordInfrared Thermographyid
dc.subject.keywordPeranakan Limousinid
dc.subject.keywordPeranakan Simmentalid
dc.subject.keywordrespon fisiologisid

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