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dc.contributor.advisorTiryana, Tatang
dc.contributor.authorNabiil, Muhammad
dc.description.abstractPengukuran volume pohon memiliki peranan penting untuk pengelolaan hutan lestari, perkiraan biomassa dan karbon, dan inventarisasi hutan nasional. Model volume yang telah dikembangkan terdahulu kadang terdapat bias dan tidak mencakup semua jenis dan lokasi. Pemodelan dapat menggunakan model spesifik dan model umum, yaitu multilvel model. Penelitian ini membangun model spesifik berdasarkan pulau dan tipe ekosistem hutan di Indonesia; dan membangun model umum dengan multilevel model untuk mengevaluasi efek data hirarki pada volume pohon. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa model spesifik dan model umum dengan multilevel model memiliki kemampuan prediksi yang hampir sama. Multilevel model dengan dua peubah MDH2MM memiliki uji statistik model yang lebih baik, koefisien determinasi lebih besar dan BIC lebih kecil, dibandingkan model satu peubah MD1MM. Multilevel model sangat membantu dalam penilaian stok hutan skala besar, seperti program inventarisasi nasional dengan menyusun satu model untuk memprediksi setiap jenis tegakan.
dc.description.abstractMeasuring tree volume has an important role for sustainable forest management and national forest inventories. Volume models that have been developed previously use a relatively small number of trees or do not include trees with larger diameters, which can cause bias in tree volume estimates. Modeling can use specific models and general models, namely multilevel models. This research builds a specific model based on islands and forest ecosystem types in Indonesia; and building a general model with a multilevel model to evaluate the effect of hierarchical data on tree volume. The results show that the specific model and the general model with multilevel models have almost the same predictive ability. The multilevel model with two variables MDH2MM has a better model statistical test, a larger coefficient of determination and a smaller BIC, compared to the one variable model MD1MM. Multilevel models are very helpful in large-scale forest stock assessments, such as national inventory programs by developing one model to predict each type of stand.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenyusunan Model Volume Pohon Skala Regional di Indonesiaid
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Regional Scale Tree Volume Models in Indonesia
dc.subject.keywordekosistem hutanid
dc.subject.keywordmodel spesifikid
dc.subject.keywordmultilevel modelid
dc.subject.keywordvolume pohonid

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