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dc.contributor.advisorIstiaji, Bonjok
dc.contributor.authorSetiawan, Muhammad Rizki
dc.description.abstractKeanekaragaman artropoda sangat penting dalam menyusun dan membentuk suatu agroekosistem. Salah satu contoh agroekosistem yang baik adalah sistem pertanaman padi organik yang memiliki keanekaragaman artropoda yang cukup tinggi karena bebas pestisida. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari dan mendapatkan informasi mengenai peran, kelimpahan dan kekayaan artropoda pada tanaman padi organik dan non organik, Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Februari sampai July 2023 di Cawitali, salah satu daerah di Kabupaten Tegal yang memproduksi padi organik. Penelitian menggunakan metode sungkup plastik dan pitfall trap pada 10 petak (ulangan) padi organik dan non organik berukuran 10 m x 10 m, pada area pematang sawah dipasang 2 buah pitfall trap dan penyungkupan plastik dilakukan pada 5 titik/rumpun padi. Identifikasi dan sortasi artropoda dilakukan di Laboratorium Pengendalian Hayati, Departemen Proteksi Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB University. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 1646 individu artropoda selama periode pengamatan. Pada lahan padi organik didapatkan 739 individu (12 ordo, 55 famili, 69 morfospesies), sedangkan pada padi non organik berjumlah 907 individu (11 ordo, 50 famili, 64 morfospesies). Kelimpahan individu lebih banyak ditemukan pada padi non organik, sementara padi organik memiliki kekayaan jenis yang lebih tinggi. Secara keseluruhan keanekaragaman tertinggi ada pada padi organik dimana memiliki nilai indeks Shanon-Wienner, Evenness, dan Simpson lebih tinggi dibandingkan padi non organik. Padi organik memiliki keanekaragaman artropoda yang tinggi, sehingga peluang keberhasilan pengendalian hayati lebih tinggi.
dc.description.abstractArthropod diversity is an essential part of an agroecosystem. One example of a good agroecosystem is organic rice because it generally has a fairly high arthropod diversity due to absence of pestisides. The purpose of this research was to study and obtain information on the role, abundance and richness of arthropods in organic and non organic rice plants. The research was conducted from February to July 2023 in Cawitali, one of the areas in Tegal Regency that produces organic rice. Insect were sampled using plastic hoods and pitfall traps methods on 10 organic and non organic rice plots (as replicates) of 10 m x 10 m, 2 pitfall traps were installed in each plots, and plastic hoods were placed at 5 points/rice clumps. Arthropod Identification and sorting were carried out at the Biological Control Laboratory, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. The results of the study obtained 1646 arthropod individuals during the observation period. In organic rice fields, there were 739 individuals (12 orders, 55 families, 69 morphospecies), while in non-organic rice there were 907 individuals (11 orders, 50 families, 64 morphospecies). The abundance of individuals is more found in non-organic rice, while organic rice has a higher species richness. Overall, the highest diversity is in organic rice which has higher values of Shanon-Wienner, Evenness, and Simpson indices than non-organic rice. Organic rice has high arthropod diversity, so the chances of successful biological control are higher.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerbandingan Keanekaragaman Artropoda pada Tanaman Padi Organik dan Non Organik di Cawitali, Kabupaten Tegalid
dc.title.alternativeComparison of Arthropod Diversity in Organic and Non Organic Rice in Cawitali, Tegal Regency

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