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dc.contributor.advisorTinaprilla, Netti
dc.contributor.authorNafisah, Nurul
dc.description.abstractProgram revolusi hijau berhasil meningkatkan produksi beras Indonesia dan mencapai puncaknya pada tahun 1984 ketika Indonesia mampu mencapai swasembada beras nasional. Namun saat ini kondisi pertanian nasional dihadapkan pada masalah yaitu terjadinya proses degradasi lahan pertanian. Solusi yang ditawarkan permasalahan tersebut, pemerintah membentuk program Pengembangan Desa Pertanian Padi Organik. Meskipun perkembangan pertanian organik di Indonesia masih sangat lambat, namun minat bertani dengan sistem pertanian organik sudah mulai tumbuh. Adanya tantangan dalam pertanian organik di Indonesia menjadi salah satu penyebab masih banyak petani padi konvensional yang enggan beralih ke pertanian organik. Petani cenderung mempertimbangkan apakah usahatani organik lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan usahatani padi konvensional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis willingness to pay konsumen beras organik, membandingkan usahatani padi organik dan konvensional, beras organik dan faktor yang memengaruhi petani mengusahakan padi organik. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dari survei 100 konsumen dan 70 petani di Sumatera Barat. Data dianalisis menggunakan Contingent Valuation Method untuk menganalisis willingness to pay. Metode analisis keuntungan usahatani dan Propensity Score Matching digunakan untuk menganalisis perbandingan keuntungan usahatani organik dan konvensional dan metode Regresi Linear Logistic Binary untuk menganalisis faktor yang memengaruhi petani memilih pertanian organik padi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 61% responden beras merah ingin membayar beras merah organik dengan harga lebih dibandingkan harga aktual di pasar. Di lain pihak, ada 49% responden beras putih ingin membayar lebih beras putih organik dibandingkan dengan harga aktual beras putih organik di pasar. Rata-rata maksimum willingness to pay konsumen beras organik untuk beras merah sebesar Rp. 36.677 per kg dan beras putih sebesar Rp 20.401 per kg. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa keuntungan rata-rata per hektar per musim tanam usahatani padi organik sebesar Rp. 13.483.586 dan konvensional sebesar Rp. 8.793.891, sedangkan nilai R/C Ratio pertanian organik dan konvensional masing-masing 1,90 dan 1,84. Produksi, keuntungan dan willingness to pay merupakan faktor-faktor memengaruhi keputusan petani dalam memilih usahatani organik. Temuan ini memberikan informasi yang berguna bagi pemerintah dan petani untuk mempertahankan dan melanjutkan usahatani padi organik di Sumatera Barat.
dc.description.abstractThe Green Revolution program succeeded in increasing domestic rice production. Indonesia and reached its peak in 1984, when Indonesia was able to achieve national rice self-sufficiency. However, currently, the condition of national agriculture is faced with a problem, namely the process of agricultural land degradation. The solution offered to this problem was that the government form an organic rice farming village development program. Even though the development of organic farming in Indonesia is still very slow, interest in farming using organic farming systems has begun to grow. The challenges of organic farming in Indonesia are one of the reasons why many conventional rice farmers are reluctant to switch to organic farming. Farmers tend to consider whether organic farming is more profitable than conventional rice farming. The aim of this research is to analyze the willingness to pay of organic rice consumers, compare organic and conventional rice farming, and examine the factors that influence farmers to cultivate organic rice. This research uses primary data from a survey of 100 consumers and 70 farmers in West Sumatra. Data analysis uses the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) analysis method to analyze willingness to pay. The farming profit analysis method and Propensity Score Matching (PSM) are used to analyze demonstrations of organic and conventional farming profits, and the Binary Logistic Linear Regression method is used to analyze the factors that influence farmers to choose organic rice farming. The research results showed that as many as 61% of red rice respondents wanted to pay more for organic red rice than the actual price on the market. On the other hand, for white rice, only 49% of white rice respondents wanted to pay more for organic white rice compared to the actual price of organic white rice on the market. The average maximum willingness to pay organic rice consumers for each kilogram of the commodity, namely brown rice, is IDR. 36.677 per kg and white rice is IDR 20.401 per kg. The research results also show that the average profit per hectare per planting season for organic rice farming is IDR. 13.483.586 and conventional rice farming is Rp. 8.793.891, while the difference between organic and conventional rice farming can be seen from the income and R/C ratio to see the profits and desires of the farming. The average profit per hectare per planting season for organic rice farming is IDR. 13.483.586 and conventional Rp. 8.793.891. The R/C ratio for organic and conventional farming is 1,90 and 1,84, respectively. Production, profits, and willingness to pay are factors that influence farmers' decisions about choosing organic farming. These findings provide useful information for the government and farmers to maintain and continue organic rice farming in West Sumatra.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengembangan Desa Pertanian Organik Padi: Perspektif Konsumen dan Petani di Sumatera Baratid
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Organic Rice Farming Villages: Consumer and Farmer Perspectives in West Sumatera
dc.subject.keywordwillingness to payid
dc.subject.keywordBeras Organikid

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