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dc.contributor.authorWidyarini, Anita
dc.description.abstractDecreasing of organic matter is the main cause of the decreased in physical, chemical and soil biologic condition, so that the land productivity also decreased. The decreased in organic matter can be pushed by adding organic matter into the soil using any kind of waste, such as plants, manure, etc. One of them is sheep manure. Using sheep manure to return soil organic matter in raw condition give a negative effect on plant. Because of that, sheep manure needs to be composted. Vermicomposting is a perfection of much organic waste composting technique with biotechnology, or organic waste composting with earthworm. Vermicomposting has a good prospect; beside result a very high nutrient compost, also earthworm that have a variety of usefulness and high economic
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePengaruh Pemberian Kapur ddan Protein Aditif pada Bahan Kompos Kotoran Domba terhadap Kualitas Vermicompost dan Bobot Cacing Tanahid

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