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dc.contributor.advisorSuwarno, Willy Bayuardi
dc.contributor.advisorWibowo, Cahyo Sri
dc.contributor.authorSusilo, Ricki
dc.description.abstractKelapa sawit saat ini merupakan komoditas strategis andalan Indonesia. Komoditas ini mampu menghasilkan minyak nabati tertinggi di dunia. Disamping itu minyak kelapa sawit diharapkan akan mampu memenuhi permintaan minyak nabati dunia yang terus mengalami peningkatan sebesar 240 juta ton pada tahun 2050. Peningkatan peranan kelapa sawit tidak terlepas dari kontribusi pemuliaan tanaman dalam meningkatkan potensi produksi serta penyediaan bibit unggul. Usaha untuk mendapatkan varietas unggul sangat dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan plasma nutfah dan keragaman genetik. Pendekatan secara konvensional dan molekuler dapat digunakan untuk menyeleksi dan mendapatkan tanaman sesuai karakter yang diinginkan. Adanya informasi keragaman genetik, pemanfaatan daya gabung dan korelasi karakter serta metode analisis kluster dapat memberikan kemudahan dalam proses seleksi. Disamping itu informasi genetik berbasis genom menambah keyakinan pemulia dalam menghasilkan varietas unggul. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mempelajari keragaman genetik kelapa sawit pada karakter komponen tandan dari berbagai origin persilangan, dan (2) mempelajari association mapping pada karakter komponen tandan kelapa sawit. Secara umum informasi keragaan parameter genetik (heritabilitas, daya gabung umum, dan daya gabung khusus), analisis korelasi dan kluster serta informasi genetik berbasis genom (SNP) diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi dasar untuk kegiatan pemuliaan tanaman kelapa sawit dimasa yang akan datang. Upaya untuk memperluas keragaman genetik menjadi penting karena dapat memperkuat pondasi kegiatan pemuliaan tanaman sehingga diperoleh varietas unggul kelapa sawit. Penggunaan berbagai macam populasi dalam program pemuliaan tanaman kelapa sawit memberikan manfaat dalam memaksimalkan sifat-sifat tertentu yang akan dicapai. Kegiatan tersebut dapat dilakukan dalam program persilangan, introduksi maupun mutasi. Umumnya kegiatan persilangan dilakukan untuk mendapatkan progeni-progeni unggul kelapa sawit, sedangkan introduksi dan mutasi lebih mengarah pada pembentukan populasi dasar. Progeni-progeni unggul yang dihasilkan dapat dikonfirmasi genotipenya secara molekuler, sehingga keakuratan karakter dari varietas yang dihasilkan lebih terjaga. Percobaan pertama menghasilkan informasi bahwa progeni terbaik penghasil jumlah tandan banyak terdapat pada P548, P572, P550 pada populasi LaMe. Produksi FFB tertinggi pada progeni P550 (LaMe), progeni P563 (Yangambi) dan P544 (SP540). Sementara itu rerata ukuran tandan terbesar terdapat pada populasi P540 yaitu progeni P579. Produksi OKY tertinggi terdapat pada P546, P546 dan P544. Pertambahan tinggi lambat terdapat pada progeni P560 (31,39 cm/tahun) populasi Yangambi, P546 dan P544 (32,9 cm/tahun) pada populasi LaMe serta P568 dan P578 (36,3 cm/tahun). Komponen tandan OB memberikan informasi bahwa terdapat 5 progeni terbaik dari origin LaMe, 4 progeni dari origin Yangambi dan 3 progeni dari origin SP540. Nilai heritabilitas arti luas (h2 bs) plot basis tinggi dimiliki oleh karakter BNO, FWT, MF, ODM, SF, dan OB. Di sisi lain, FFB, AWB, OKY, KB, dan HI memiliki nilai heritabilitas katagori sedang. Analisis korelasi menunjukkan bahwa OB memiliki korelasi positif dengan BNO, ABW, HI, FWT, MF, ODM. SF dan KF Karakter OKY berkorelasi nyata positif dengan BNO, FFB, ODM, dan OB. Analisis daya gabung diperoleh tetua female (Dura) D8 dan D9 (DA10D x DA3D) mememiliki nilai daya gabung umum tertinggi pada karakter BNO. Pada karakter ABW, tetua dari origin DA115D x DA3D (D10) dan DA115D (D16) memiliki nilai DGU tertinggi pada ABW sedangkan karakter OKY nilai DGU terbaik terdapat pada origin DA10D x DA115D (D14 dan D15). Pada tetua male (Pisifera), nilai DGU terbaik terdapat pada pisifera LaMe yaitu LM2T (P3), LM2T x LM5T (P9) dan LM10T (P11) pada karakter BNO. Pisifera Yangambi YA69 x YA7 (P1) dan YA1 x YA7 (P2) memiliki nilai DGU terbaik dibanding origin lainnya pada karakter FFB. Sementara itu nilai DGU terbaik untuk karakter OKY terdapat pada Pisifera P2 (YA1 x YA7) dan P11 (LM2T). DGK pada karakter OKY terbaik pada LaMe terdapat pada D11 x P9 (LM2T x LM5T) dan D17 x P4 (LM2T), Yangambi pada D14 x P2, D15 x P1 dan D18 x P2 dan SP540 pada D2 x P8 dan D10 x P7. Berdasarkan analisa mapping association pada percobaan 2 menggunakan platform Axiom (Affymetrix) dan chip 78K SNP serta genom referensi kelapa sawit EG5 MPOB ditemukan sebanyak 54.497 SNP yang berhasil terpetakan pada genom referensi kelapa sawit EG5 dan menghasilkan 24.961 SNP pada MAF 5%. Terdapat 22 SNP yang terasosiasi dengan fenotipe bobot buah (FWT), minyak per mesokarp kering (ODM), mesokarp per buah (MF), dan cangkang per buah (SF). Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan 5 SNP terasosiasi dengan FWT pada kromosom 2, 5, 10, 12, dan 14; 3 SNP terasosiasi dengan ODM pada kromosom 1, 3, dan 12; 2 SNP terasosiasi dengan MF, serta 12 SNP terasosiasi dengan SF pada kromosom 2. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu para pemulia kelapa sawit dalam memperoleh hibrida tenera dengan karakter yang
dc.description.abstractOil palm is currently Indonesia's mainstay strategic commodity. This commodity is capable of producing the highest amount of vegetable oil in the world. Oil palm is expected to be able to meet world demand for vegetable oil, which continues to increase by 240 million tons in 2050. The increasing role of oil palm cannot be separated from the contribution of plant breeding in increasing potential production and providing superior seeds. Efforts to obtain superior varieties are greatly influenced by the availability of germplasm and genetic diversity. Conventional and molecular approaches can be used to select and obtain plants according to the desired characteristics. The existence of information on genetic diversity, the use of combining ability and character correlations as well as cluster analysis methods can make the selection process more accurate. Besides that, genome-based genetic information increases the confidence of breeders in producing superior varieties. This research aimed to (1) study the genetic diversity of oil palm in the characteristics of bunch components from various origins, and (2) study the association mapping on oil palm bunch components. In general, information on the performance of genetic parameters (heritability, general combining ability and specific combining ability), correlation and cluster analysis as well as genomebased genetic information (SNP) are expected to provide basic information needed for oil palm breeding activities in the future. Efforts to expand genetic diversity are important because they can strengthen the foundation of plant breeding activities and lead to obtaining superior oil palm varieties. The use of various populations in oil palm plant breeding programs plays an important role in maximizing certain characteristics to be achieved. These activities can be carried out by cross-breeding, introduction, or mutation programs. Generally, crossing activities are carried out to obtain superior progenies for oil palm, while introduction and mutation are more directed toward forming a basic population. The genotype of superior progenies produced can be confirmed through the use of molecular analysis, assuring the trait accuracy of the variety produced. The first experiment provides information that the best progeny producing a large number of bunches was found at P548, P572, P550 in the LaMe population. The highest FFB production was in the P550 (LaMe), P563 (Yangambi) and P544 (SP540) progeny. Meanwhile, the largest average bunch weight (bunch size) was found in the P540 population, namely the P579 progeny. The highest OKY production is found in P546, P546 and P544. Slow height increase was found in the progeny of P560 on Yangambi, P546 and P544 on LaMe and P568 and P578 on SP540. The OB bunch component provides information that there are 5 best progenies from the LaMe origin, 4 progenies from the Yangambi origin and 3 progenies from the SP540 origin. A high broad sense heritability (h2 bs) value on the plot basis is shown in BNO, FWT, MF, ODM, SF, and OB. On the other hand, FFB, AWB, OKY, KB, and HI have heritability values in the moderate category. The correlation analysis shows that OB has a positive correlation with BNO, ABW, HI, FWT, MF, ODM. SF dan KF, whereas OKY are significantly positively correlated with BNO, FFB, ODM, and OB. General combining ability (GCA) analysis showed that Dura parents D8 and D9 (DA10D x DA3D) had the highest GCA for BNO character. Parents from the origins DA115D x DA3D (D10) and DA115D (D16) have the highest combining ability values in ABW, then OKY characters have the best combining ability in the origins DA10D x DA115D (D14 and D15). In the Pisifera parents, the best specific combining ability (SCA) was found on LaMe Pisifera, namely LM2T (P3), LM2T x LM5T (P9) and LM10T (P11) based on BNO character. Pisifera Yangambi YA69 x YA7 (P1) and YA1 x YA7 (P2) have the best SCA on FFB character. Meanwhile, the best SCA for the OKY character was found in Pisifera P2 (YA1 x YA7) and P11 (LM2T). The best SCA OKY characters on LaMe was found on D11 x P9 (LM2T x LM5T) and D17 x P4 (LM2T), Yangambi on D14 x P2, D15 x P1 and D18 x P2 and SP540 on D2 x P8 and D10 x P7. Based on association mapping in experiment 2 with the Axiom platform (Affymetrix) and the 78K SNP chip and the EG5 MPOB oil palm reference genome, 54,497 SNPs were found to be successfully mapped on the EG5 oil palm reference genome and produced 24,961 SNPs at 5% MAF. There were 22 SNPs associated with fruit weight (FWT), oil to dry mesocarp (ODM), mesocarp to fruit (MF), and shell to fruit (SF) phenotypes. From this study, 5 SNPs were found to be associated with FWT on chromosomes 2, 5, 10, 12, and 14; 3 SNPs were associated with ODM on chromosomes 1, 3, and 12; also 2 SNPs are associated with MF, and 12 SNPs are associated with SF on chromosome 2. The results of this research are expected to assist oil palm breeders in obtaining tenera hybrids with superior character
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis genetik kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) pada berbagai origin persilanganid
dc.title.alternativeGenetic Analysis of Oil Palms (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) from Different Originsid
dc.subject.keywordDaya gabungid
dc.subject.keywordVariasi genetikid

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