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dc.contributor.advisorNurmalina, Rita
dc.contributor.authorA'la, Nurul
dc.description.abstractPenelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi keputusan pembelian, juga menganalisis sikap dan preferensi konsumen terhadap kopi arabika gayo. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh melalui survei google form. Responden yang berpartisipasi sebanyak 223 orang. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis multiatribut fishbein, dan analisis conjoint. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa proses pengambilan keputusan konsumen melalui lima tahapan keputusan dan hasil perbandingan antara tiga varian kopi arabika yaitu kopi arabika gayo, kopi sidikalang, dan kopi mandheling (lintong). Sikap konsumen terhadap kopi arabika gayo lebih positif sebesar 170,16 poin. Kopi arabika gayo memiliki keunggulan pada atribut rasa, aroma, ketersediaan produk, after taste, dan informasi produk. Hal ini didukung dengan hasil preferensi konsumen pada tingkat kepentingan atribut, atribut rasa memiliki tingkat kepentingan atribut tertinggi pada produk kopi arabika gayo sebesar 30,79 persen. Konsumen juga lebih menyukai kopi arabika gayo yang memiliki rasa manis, aftertaste lengket, aroma yang menyengat, kekentalan yang ringan dan harga Rp 35.000/250g. Produsen harus melakukan perbaikan pada produk yang belum sesuai harapan konsumen, juga meningkatkan dan mempertahankan produk yang sudah memenuhi harapan
dc.description.abstractThe research aims to identify purchasing decisions, as well as to analyze consumer attitudes and preferences towards gayo arabica coffee. This research uses primary data from an online survey using google forms involving 223 respondents who participated. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, fishbein multi-attribute analysis, and conjoint analysis. The research results show that the consumer decision making process goes through five decision stages. The comparison between three variants of arabica coffee, namely gayo arabica coffee, sidikalang coffee, and Mandheling (lintong) coffee show that consumer attitudes towards gayo arabica coffee are more positive by 170.16 points. Gayo arabica coffee has advantages in the attributes of taste, aroma, product availability, aftertaste, and product information. This is supported by the results of consumer preferences on the level of attribute importance; the taste attribute has the highest level of attribute importance in gayo arabica coffee products at 30.79 percent. Consumers also prefer gayo arabica coffee, which has a sweet taste, a lingering aftertaste, strong aroma, light viscosity and a price of Rp 35,000/250g. Therefore, producers need to make improvements to product attributes that do not meet consumer expectations, as well as improve and maintain product attributes that meet consumer
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleSikap dan Preferensi Konsumen Terhadap Kopi Arabika Gayo di Kabupaten Aceh Timur dan Kota Langsaid
dc.title.alternativeConsumer Attitudes and Preferences Toward Gayo Arabica Coffee in East Aceh Regency and Langsa Cityid
dc.subject.keywordgayo arabica coffeeid
dc.subject.keywordpurchasing decisionsid

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