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dc.contributor.authorSuwito, Widodo
dc.description.abstractVerotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) strains are responsible for serious human illnesses. These stmns are commonly found in milk. The aims of this study were to determine occurrence of E, coli in milk and examine its verotoxigenecity . A total of 351 milk samples, 19 waters and 24 swabs of milk can were collected fiom dab farms in Bogor, Sukabumi and Cianjur. These samples were analyzed for total colifonn by using Most Probable Number (MPN) m e and identification of E. coli and VTEC in the samples by using biochemical, serological and Vero cell cytotoxicity assays. E. coli Of 57:H7 isolates were found in I of 2 14 milk samples collected born d a q farms in Bogor, Sukabumi, 1 of 9 1 milk samples and none in Cianjur. E. coli non 0157:H7 isolates were found in 49 of 214 milk samples collected h m dauy farms in Bogor, Sukabumi, 16 of 91 milk samples and 7 of 46 milk samples in Cianjur. Hemolytic E. coli isolates were found in 2 of 214 milk samples collected b m darry h s in Bogor and 2 of 91 milk samples in Sukablrmi. E. coli non 01 57:H7 isolates were found in 10 of 13 water samples collected from dauy farms in Bogor, Sukabumi 2 of 4 water samples and was not in Cianjur. Milk cans where relatively clean, only one of 17 swabs of milk can collected 6om dairy farms in Bogor positive E. coli non 01 57:H7 and none in Sukabumi and Cianjur. Based on Vero cell cytotoxicity assays, fifty four of the isolates were positive VTEC and 37 isolates were non VTEC. Antibiotic susceptibility tests were determined for 2 isolates VTEC 01 57:H7,ll isolates VTEC non OI 57:H7 and 4 isolates hemolytic E. ccoli. The results showed that one isolate of VTEC 0157:H7 was resistant to tetracycline, chloramphenicol, sdfarnethoxazole; 3 isolates of VTEC non 0157:H7 were resistant to twycline; 6 isolates of VTEC non 0157:H7 were resistant to erythromycin; and all of tested isolates were resistant to bacitracin. The study showed there are an occurrence of VTEC in milk samples from b r y farms in Bogor, Sukabumi and
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKejadian Eaherichia coli Veroto bigenik pada Susu Sapi dari Peternakan di fibupaten Bogor, Sukabumi danid

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