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dc.contributor.advisorWidyastuti, Rahayu
dc.contributor.advisorSuryaningtyas, Dyah Tjahyandari
dc.contributor.authorBr Sembiring, Syahfira Ayu Shahilla
dc.description.abstractKeberadaan organisme tanah sangat penting bagi keseimbangan suatu ekosistem tanah yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lingkungan seperti kadar air, pH tanah, suhu tanah, bahan organik, dan kandungan unsur hara. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman organisme tanah pada tanah Andisol yang ditanami Jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) di kebun percobaan IPB University, Kecamatan Sukamantri, Kabupaten Bogor. Pengambilan contoh tanah untuk pengumpulan mikrob dan fauna tanah dilakukan menggunakan metode simple random sampling. Contoh tanah diambil pada plot percobaan dengan perlakuan pemupukan : 1. Tanah kontrol (P0), 2. Tanah + pupuk kandang sapi 6 ton/ha (P1), 3. Tanah + Pupuk NK 200 kg/ha (P2) dan 4. Tanah + Pupuk NK 400 kg/ha (P3). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dua kali, yaitu pada umur jagung 42 hari setelah tanam (HST) dan saat panen (90 HST). Fauna tanah diekstrak dengan metode Berlesse Funnel Extractor. Isolasi dan perhitungan total mikrob dan fungi dilakukan menggunakan metode Total Plate Count. Kelimpahan fauna tanah tertinggi ditemukan pada plot percobaan yang ditambah pupuk NK 400 kg/ha baik pada 42 HST (1445 individu/m2 ) dan 90 HST (987 induvidu/m2). Populasi tertinggi mikrob dan fungi tanah diperoleh pada plot yang ditambah dengan pupuk kandang baik pada 42 HST maupun 90
dc.description.abstractThe existence of soil organisms is very important for the balance of a soil ecosystem which is influenced by environmental factors such as water content, soil pH, soil temperature, organic matter and nutrient content. This research aims to study the abundance and diversity of soil organisms in Andisol planted with sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) at the IPB University Experimental Site, Sukamantri District, Bogor Regency. Soil sampling for collecting soil microbes and fauna was carried out using the simple random sampling method. Soil samples were taken from experimental plots with fertilizer treatments: 1. Control (P0), 2. Soil + cow manure 6 tons/ha (P1), 3. Soil + NK fertilizer 200 kg/ha (P2) and 4. Soil + NK fertilizer 400 kg/ha (P3). Sampling was carried out twice, namely when the corn was 42 days after planting (DAP) and at harvest (90 DAP). Soil fauna was extracted using the Berlesse Funnel Extractor method. Total microbes and fungi were analysed using Total Plate Counting method. The highest abundance of soil fauna was found in experimental plots where 400 kg/ha of NK fertilizer was added at both 42 DAP (1445 individuals/m2) and 90 DAP (987 individuals/m2). The highest populations of soil microbes and fungi were obtained in plots supplemented with manure at both 42 DAP and 90
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePopulasi Organisme Tanah pada Andisol Sukamantri yang Ditanami Jagung Manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt)id
dc.title.alternativePopulation of Soil Organisms in Sukamantri Andisol Planted with Sweet Corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) in Sukamantri Villageid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordabundance of soil faunaid
dc.subject.keywordfungi, manureid
dc.subject.keywordNK fertilizerid

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