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dc.contributor.advisorMaryana, Nina
dc.contributor.advisorPudjianto, Pudjianto
dc.contributor.authorSaputra, Hiksa Maulana
dc.description.abstractPenggerek buah kopi (PBKo), (Hypothenemus hampei Ferr.), merupakan salah satu hama utama pada tanaman kopi di Indonesia. Serangannya pada tanaman kopi dapat menyebabkan kerusakan biji bahkan gugurnya buah kopi sehingga mengakibatkan kerugian dan penurunan kualitas biji kopi. Gejala yang ditimbulkan akibat serangan PBKo adalah berupa liang gerekan pada ujung buah kopi yang berwarna kehitaman. Intensitas serangan PBKo dapat diketahui dengan mengamati dan menghitung persentase buah kopi yang menunjukkan gejala kerusakan. Pengendalian PBKo secara biologis dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan agens pengendali hayati yaitu musuh alami. Parasitoid sebagai salah satu musuh alami dapat memengaruhi keberadaan PBKo dalam suatu ekosistem. Informasi tingkat serangan PBKo beserta jenis parasitoidnya di Kabupaten Bogor belum tersedia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tingkat serangan PBKo dan mengetahui jenis parasitoid yang terdapat di Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Juni 2022 sampai Februari 2023. Lokasi pengambilan buah kopi terserang PBKo berada di empat Kecamatan di Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat yaitu Kecamatan Cijeruk, Cisarua, Dramaga, dan Sukamakmur. Identifikasi parasitoid dilakukan di Laboratorium Biosistematika Serangga, Departemen Proteksi Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian, IPB. Penelitian dilakukan pada lima kebun kopi yang berada di empat Kecamatan di Kabupaten Bogor. Intensitas serangan PBKo dihitung berdasarkan pada pengamatan langsung pada 20 tanaman sampel pada setiap lokasi. Untuk mengetahui kelimpahan PBKo dalam buah kopi dan jenis parasitoid pada PBKo, dari setiap lahan kopi diambil 400 buah kopi terserang PBKo dan dibawa ke laboratorium. Dari sampel buah kopi tersebut, 350 buah dipelihara untuk mengetahui imago PBKo dan parasitoid yang muncul, dan 50 buah sisanya dibelah untuk mengetahui jumlah PBKo dalam satu buah kopi. Parasitoid yang didapat kemudian diidentifikasi secara morfologi hingga tingkat genus. Parasitoid yang ditemukan didokumentasi menggunakan Kamera Olympus SZ51 dan mikroskop stereo Leica M205C dengan aplikasi kamera digital Leica DFC450 dan LAS V.4.4.0 yang terhubung ke komputer. Data hasil pengamatan merupakan data deskriptif. Data intensitas serangan, struktur umur, kelimpahan, dan nisbah kelamin PBKo serta kekayaan spesies parasitoidnya ditabulasi, diolah, dan divisualisasikan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Microsoft Excel 365. Uji non parametrik Kruskall-Wallis dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lokasi terhadap intensitas serangan serta struktur umur PBKo. Uji posthoc Man-Whitney dilakukan pada hasil uji non parametrik yang menunjukkan hasil berbeda nyata pada taraf 5%. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, intensitas serangan PBKo pada buah kopi menjelang panen memiliki rata-rata pada kisaran 17,45 hingga 29,30%. Rata-rata jumlah PBKo dalam satu buah pada kopi menjelang panen memiliki kisaran antara 4,98 hingga 6,43 individu per buah. Kelimpahan imago PBKo pada buah kopi menjelang panen memiliki kisaran 343 hingga 635 individu dengan nisbah kelamin imago PBKo antara jantan:betina yaitu 1:10 hingga mencapai 1:32. Berdasarkan identifikasi morfologis pada imago parasitoid yang muncul dari pemeliharaan buah kopi terserang PBKo, didapatkan sepuluh jenis parasitoid yang berasal dari lima famili dari Ordo Hymenoptera. Parasitoid tersebut adalah masing-masing satu jenis yang belum teridentifikasi dari subfamili Microgastrinae dan subfamili Mendesellinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Trissolcus sp. (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), Anagyrus sp., Marxella sp., Procheiloneurus sp., Pararhopella sp., Parablastothrix sp. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), Pronotalia sp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) dan Pteromalus sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Kelimpahan parasitoid di Kabupaten Bogor dapat dikategorikan
dc.description.abstractCoffee berry borer (CBB), (Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari), is one of the main pests of coffee in Indonesia. Its attack on coffee plants can cause damage to the beans and even the fall of the coffee berries, resulting in loss and deterioration in the quality of coffee beans. Symptoms caused by CBB attacks are blackish holes in the grind marks at the end of coffee berries. The intensity of CBB attacks can be known by observing and calculating the percentage of coffee berries that show symptoms of damage. Biological control of CBB can be done by using biological control agents, i.e. natural enemies. Parasitoids as one of the natural enemies can affect the presence of CBB in an ecosystem. Information on the attack rate of CBB and its parasitoids in Bogor Regency is not yet available. This study aimed to determine the level of CBB attacks and determine the parasitoids found in the Bogor Regency. The study was conducted from June 2022 to February 2023. The location of the coffee berries collection attacked by CBB was in four districts in Bogor Regency, West Java, i.e., Cijeruk, Cisarua, Dramaga and Sukamakmur districts. Identification of parasitoids was carried out at the Laboratory of Insect Biosystematics, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University. The study was conducted on five coffee cultivations located in four sub-districts in Bogor Regency. The intensity of CBB attacks was calculated based on direct observations of 20 sample plants at each location. To determine the abundance of CBB in coffee berries and the parasitoid in CBB, from each coffee cultivation, 400 coffee berries attacked by CBB were taken and brought to the laboratory. From the coffee berries samples, 350 berries were kept determining CBB adults and parasitoids that emerged, and the remaining 50 berries were cut to determine the number of CBB in one coffee berry. The emerged parasitoids were identified morphologically up to the genus level. The parasitoids that emerged were documented using the Olympus SZ51 camera and Leica M205C stereo microscopes with Leica DFC450 and LAS V.4.4.0 digital camera applications connected to a computer. The observed data were descriptive. Data on attack intensity, age structure, abundance, and sex ratio of CBB as well as its parasitoid species richness were tabulated, processed, and visualized using Microsoft Excel 365 software. The non-parametric Kruskall-Wallis test was conducted to determine the effect of location on attack intensity and the age structure of CBB. The Man-Whitney posthoc test was performed on non-parametric test results that showed significantly different results at the level of 5%. Based on observations, the intensity of CBB attacks on coffee berries before harvest had an average attack intensity in the range of 17.45 to 29.30%. The average amount of CBB in one berry in coffee before harvest had a range between 4.98 to 6.43 individuals per berry. The abundance of adult CBB in coffee berries before harvest had a range of 343 to 635 individuals with a sex ratio of adult CBB between males to females was 1:10 to 1:32. Based on morphological identification of parasitoid adults arising from the maintenance of coffee fruit attacked by CBB, ten types of parasitoids were obtained from five families of the Order Hymenoptera. The parasitoids were one unidentified type each of the subfamily Microgastrinae and subfamily Mendesellinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Trissolcus sp. (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), Anagyrus sp., Marxella sp., Procheiloneurus sp., Pararhopella sp., Parablastothrix sp. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), Pronotalia sp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and Pteromalus sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). The abundance of parasitoids in Bogor Regency can be categorized as
dc.description.sponsorshipLembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP)id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.titlePenggerek Buah Kopi Hypothenemus hampei (Ferr.) (Coleoptera: Curcunlionidae ): Serangan dan Parasitoidnya di Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Baratid
dc.title.alternativeThe Coffee Berry Borer Hypothenemus hampei (Ferr.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): Attack and Its Parasitoids at Bogor Regency, West Javaid
dc.subject.keywordnatural enemiesid

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