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dc.contributor.authorAbidin, Zainal
dc.description.abstractThe one of an important thing related to the aviation is the correct information of aviation meteorology, especially about bad weather condition such as turbulence that often disturb the plane during their flight. There are many parameters to estimate the turbulence parameter. One of them is called the Richardson Number (Ri) such as already investigated by Waco (1970). The author continue his study by applyin g the radiosonde data distributed at five stations in the Western part of Indonesia region, especially during the Coupling Processes Equatorial Atmosphere I (CPEA I) Campaign started from 10 April to 9 May, 2004. The author defined the turbulence when Ri<1 as described by Endlich (1964). We found initial turbulence occurrence indication, although we have found significant indication yet, related with less of locations and data observations which is only one month observation. Turbulence in the plane is described as the changes of vertical gravitation in the plane and observed by vertical accelerometer which is installed in the plane. After making some validations with the vertical accelerometer data, the author found only a few good correlation between Ri and turbulence. We suspect it caused by the less of data observation. But initial indication based on data analysis shows that light turbulence occurrence over Eastern Coast of Malacca Peninsula on 19 April
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleEstimasi Parameter Turbulensi Untuk Jasa Penerbangan Berbasis Analisis Data Radiosondeid

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