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dc.contributor.authorEzwardi, Ivan
dc.description.abstractWidth of mangrove forest in Indonesia is 4.250.000 ha, it has spread in some regions in Indonesia and giving great advantages for humans life (Soerianegara and Kusmana, 1993). One of the spreading location of mangrove forest is in Kuala Bayeun, East Aceh. Increasingly the number of population in Indonesia make some threatened to mangrove forest become larger. To prevent a confusion and clash of interests in using mangrove forest, we needed some informations about potentions and functions of mangrove forest. Among of the factors that influenced the policy about mangrove forest management is information details about zonation structure condition and their vegetation compositions the aims of the research are to identify zonation structure of mangrove forest and to know the composition and their structure of vegetations for each zonations. The method to collecting data was done using vegetations analysis. To analyzing data using important value index, variety index, species distribution, canopy profile and standing potention. Monitoring do to 3 growth levels (tree, stake and seedling) with 3 times repeating to each zonations. In Kuala Bayeun East Aceh, it have four zonations of mangrove forest, there are zonation I with 40 – 60 meters width, zonation II with 140 – 170 meters width, zonation III with 50 – 70 meters width, and zonation IV with 60 – 80 meters width. Total variety of mangrove plants were found in four zonations is 23 varieties, specify zonation I, mangrove plant which have dominated in growth, stake and seedling level is Avicennia marina with each the important value index are 115,69%, 136,36% and 72,47%. Mangrove variety index in tree level is 1,297; stake level is 1,274 and seedling level is 1,202. In zonation II, mangrove plant which have dominated in growth, stake and seedling level is Rhizophora apiculata, with each important value index are 127,55%, 145,09% and 93,51%. Variety index of mangrove in growth, stake and seedling continuously are 1,495; 1,476; and 1,353. In zonation III, mangrove plant which have dominated in growth, stake and seedling level is Ceriops decandra, with each important value index are 146,36%, 99,48% and 54,93%. Variety index of mangrove in growth, stake and seedling continuously are 1,594; 1,942 and 1,704. Zonation IV, mangrove plant which have dominated in growth, stake and seedling level is Xylocarpus granatum, with each important value index are 149,06%, 105,15% and 77,31%. Variety index of mangrove in growth, stake and seedling continuously are 0,881; 1,605 and 1,209. Vegetation structure in fourth zonation has one strata, it is stratum
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectmangrove forestid
dc.subjectzonation, structure of vegetationsid
dc.subjectstanding potentionid
dc.titleStruktur Vegetasi dan Mintakat Hutan Mangrove di Kuala Bayeun Kabupaten Aceh Timur Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalamid

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