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dc.contributor.advisorPurnamawati, Heni
dc.contributor.advisorSulistyono, Eko
dc.contributor.authorMentari, Bunga Permata
dc.description.abstractPenelitian bertujuan mendapatkan tingkat kebutuhan air terbaik pada pertumbuhan dan produksi dua varietas kacang tunggak. Rancangan penelitian tersusun secara acak kelompok dengan dua faktor dan empat ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah jenis varietas yang terdiri dari 2 taraf yaitu varietas Albina dan varietas Uno. Faktor kedua adalah tingkat volume irigasi berdasarkan evaporasi panci (Eo) yang terdiri dari 4 taraf yaitu 0.75 Eo, 1.50 Eo, 2.25 Eo, dan 3,0 Eo. Interaksi antara volume irigasi dan jenis mulsa meningkatkan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, Volume irigasi dan jenis varietas mempengaruhi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, bobot kering, bobot basah, jumlah polong per tanaman, bobot polong per tanaman, bobot kering biji per tanaman, umur berbunga, bobot 100 butir, jumlah bintil, panjang akar, ILD, jumlah bunga dan jumlah bunga yang jadi polong. Varietas tidak mempengaruhi Indeks luas daun (ILD). Volume irigasi 2.25 Eo menghasilkan panjang akar lebih tinggi pada 8 MST dan tidak berbeda nyata dengan pemberian volume irigasi yang lebih rendah yaitu 0.75 Eo, 1.50 Eo. Jenis varietas dan volume irigasi mempengaruhi jumlah bunga pada 5 MST, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata pada jumlah bunga pada 7 MST. Efisiensi pemakaian air irigasi tanaman kacang tunggak dipengaruhi oleh interaksi jenis varietas dan volume irigasi. Jenis varietas dan volume irigasi tanaman yang tinggi meningkatkan efisiensi pemakaian air, sebaliknya volume irigasi yang rendah menurunkan efisiensi pemakaian air. Kombinasi volume irigasi 2.25 Eo dengan varietas Uno menghasilkan jumlah polong per tanaman terbanyak dan berbeda nyata dengan volume irigasi lainnya. Kombinasi volume irigasi 2.25 Eo dengan varietas Uno dipilih sebagai perlakuan terbaik karena alasan efisiensi pemakaian air atau penggunaan air yang lebih
dc.description.abstractCowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) has great potential as a nutritious food substitute for soybeans. Efforts to obtain high growth and production of cowpea by improving cultivation. one of which is to pay attention to water availability so that water use can be carried out effectively and efficiently. The research aims to get the best level of water required for the growth and production of cowpea. The experiment was conducted at the Cikabayan Experimental Garden, IPB from January–April 2023. This experiment used a completely randomized block design (RCBD) factorial split plot; the main plot was varieties (Albina and Uno) and subplots were irrigation volume (0.75 Eo,1.50 Eo, 2.25 Eo and 3.0 Eo). The experimental results showed that the water requirement during the vegetative phase for 5 consecutive weeks for the Albina variety was 2.91 Eo. 3.0 Eo. 3.0 Eo. 3.0 Eo. and 2.11 Eo. and for the Uno variety. 3.0 Eo, 3 .0 Eo, 3.0 Eo, 2.94 Eo and 2.10 Eo. While the generative phase of the Albina variety was 1.66 Eo and the Uno variety was 1.79 Eo. Variety does not affect the leaf area index (ILD). An irrigation volume of 2.25 Eo resulted in higher root length at 8 WAP and was not significantly different from providing a lower irrigation volume, namely 0.75 Eo, 1.50 Eo. The type of variety and irrigation volume influenced the number of flowers and the number of flowers that became pods at 5 WAP, but had no significant effect on the number of flowers or the number of flowers that became pods at 7 WAP. The efficiency of irrigation water use for cowpea plants is influenced by the interaction of variety type and irrigation volume. The type of variety and high crop irrigation volume increase water use efficiency, whereas low irrigation volume reduces water use efficiency. An irrigation volume of 2.25 Eo with the Albina and Uno variety is the best treatment for efficient water use. The combination of irrigation volume of 2.25 Eo with the Albina and Uno varieties was chosen as the best treatment for water use efficiency or less water use in cowpea
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengaruh Volume Irigasi Terhadap Hasil Dua Varietas Kacang Tunggak (Vigna unguiculata subsp unguiculata (L.) Walp)id
dc.title.alternativeResponse two varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) to different irrigation level on growth and yieldid
dc.subject.keywordirrigation volumeid
dc.subject.keywordwater efficiencyid
dc.subject.keywordwater requirementid
dc.subject.keywordwater useid

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