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dc.contributor.authorDjati, Felisitas Dwi Haryanto
dc.description.abstractPlantation of sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L) Nielsen) almost always faces the problem of attack by stem borer pest insect, referred to as boktor (Xystrocera festiva Pascoe). The damage and loss incurred by this pest is considerable. In the effort of preventing this attack by boktor there is a need for planting sengon which are resistant to attack by this pest through tree improvement program. Therefore, there is a need for research on the presence of anti pest substance in the form of trypsin inhibitor and α-amylase inhibitor in each part of the tree. Object of this research was part of sengon trees of Banjarnegara and Subang provenances in the form of leaves, bark, and wood, which were made into powder. The trees used in this study were healthy trees and trees attacked by the pest boktor, with replication of five trees for each category of tree condition. Observation of trypsin inhibitor activity was conducted using synthetic substrate benzoil-DL-arginin-p-nitroanilid (BAPNA), enzyme trypsin (SIGMA 3,5 U/mg) and natural enzyme from digestive system of boktor larvae with size of 1,5 cm. Observation of α-amylase inhibitor activity used materials of solution of soluble starch, solution of enzyme α-amylase (SIGMA 320 U/mg), and enzyme α-amylase which was extracted from larvae with size of 3,5 cm. Data were processed in Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 3 factors, namely provenances, tree condition and parts of tree, using software SPSS 12.0 Survey results showed that larvae in bark had length and weight less than larvae in wood. Of the 5 trees of Banjarnegara provenance, boktor larvae were found only in the wood part, whereas in that of Subang provenance, boktor larvae were found in wood and bark parts. Based on analysis of variance, factor of provenance did not have significant effect on activity of trypsin inhibitor. Tree parts and tree condition had very significant effect on activity of trypsin inhibitor. Interaction between factors of provenance and tree parts gave significant effect on activity of trypsin inhibitor. Duncan advanced test showed that bark possessed highest activity of trypsin inhibitor, whereas that of the wood was the lowest. Results of analysis of variance showed that tree condition (healthy or sick trees), as well as tree parts in the form of leaves, bark and wood, had significant effect on activity of α-amylase inhibitor (AIA). On the other hand, provenance factor did not have significant effect. Duncan advanced test showed that wood was the part which had the highest average of α-amylase inhibitor activity, whereas that of the lowest, was in bark part. Interaction between tree condition and tree parts had very significant effect on the magnitude of α-amylase inhibitor activity. Analysis of variance showed that average values of trypsin inhibitor activity which were obtained using synthetic enzyme and natural enzyme from digestive system of boktor did not show significant differences. The same phenomenon was also found for provenance factor. Activity of trypsin inhibitor which was tested using synthetic enzyme was greater compared with that of natural enzyme from boktor digestive system. On the other hand, tree condition had significant effect, where the healthy trees possessed trypsin inhibitor activity which was higher as compared with that of sick trees. Analysis of variance showed that the use of synthetic enzyme and natural enzyme from boktor larvae digestive system, as well as the tree condition, showed very significant differenceson on α-amylase inhibitor activity. Activity of α-amylase inhibitor which was tested using synthetic enzyme was greater compared with that of using natural enzyme from boktor digestive system. Also, healthy trees had higher activity of α-amylase as compared with that of sick
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleStudi Trypsin Inhibitor dan Alfa-amylase Inhibitor pada Pohon Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L) Nielsen) Provenan Banjarnegara dan Subangid

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