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dc.contributor.authorArisnagara, Febia
dc.description.abstractEconomic crisis in Indonesia urge people to utilize natural resources including reptile. Reptile used to be regarded as adverse thing, now becoming profitable comodity for medicine and food. Nowadays, demand for reptile is increasing so that creates more risk for sustainability of reptile because most of reptile hunted from wild. The aim of this research was to know the characteristic of reptile traders and consumers, to know the utilization of reptile as medicine and food products and to investigate reptile trafficking in DKI Jakarta. This research was carried out from November until Desember 2008 in DKI Jakarta. The direct observation and interview to the traders and consumers were be used to collect data. There were ten traders selected by purposive sampling method. Whereas 30 consumers were selected based on the average of daily visitors. Most of traders were Indonesian male with average age of 43 years old and having selling experience for 2-43 years. Most of consumer were Indonesian male with the average of age 34 years old. Their education background were senior high school. There were 13 species (southern Indonesian spitting cobra, king cobra, reticulated python, copperhead racer, mangrove snake, banded krait, Malayan krait, ground pit viper, Indian rat snake, asian water monitor, tockay, skink and southest asian softshell turtle) of reptiles that be used as medicine product (fresh blood, salve, capsule, cream, oil, dried gall bladder, dried male genital and powder). There were 7 species (southern indonesian spitting cobra, reticulated python, crocodile, asian water monitor, tockay, skink and southest asian softshell turtle) were used for food products (roasted meat, soup, frieds meat and fried meat powder). Reptile trafficking in DKI Jakarta was divided into 2 networking system, which are: 1) small scale trader (wild reptiles- hunters - primary collectors - secondary collectors - small scale traders - consumer) and 2) large scale trader (wild reptiles - hunters - primary collectors – small scale productions - large scale traders - consumers). People usually utilize reptile for treating skin diseases. It is necessary to control reptile hunting in order to prevent those species from extinction. Breeding in captivity is on off alternatives to reduce hunting of reptile from the wild. Formal monitoring and regulation in reptile utilization by BKSDA DKI Jakarta, monitoring and contolling by BPOM DKI Jakarta as well as research on bioactive content in reptile meatid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectDKI Jakartaid
dc.titlePemanfaatan Reptil Sebagai Obat dan Makanan di Daerah Khusus Ibu Kota (DKI) Jakartaid

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