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dc.contributor.advisorPamoengkas, Prijanto
dc.contributor.advisorDarwo, Darwo
dc.contributor.authorLubis, Putri Azli
dc.description.abstractHutan tanaman shorea pinanga di luar habitat sudah ditanam sejak 1940 di KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor. Seperti apakah regenerasi alami dan struktur tegakan yang terjadi di kawasan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis proses regenerasi alami pada tegakan S. pinanga. Penelitian menggunakan metode analisis vegetasi di lima petak penelitian yaitu petak 11, 12, 68, 72, dan 100 dengan masing-masing petak dibuat dua plot pengamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hutan tanaman S. pinanga berumur tua telah membentuk struktur tegakan seperti hutan alam dengan bentuk kurva “J terbalik”. Permudaan alami S. pinanga ditemukan di semua petak penelitian. Petak 11, 68 dan 72 diperoleh kemiripan struktur tegakan S. pinanga untuk tingkat semai dan
dc.description.abstractShorea pinanga out-of-habitat plantations have been planted since 1940 at KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor. What is the natural regeneration and stand structure that occurs in the area. The research objective was to analyze the natural regeneration process in S. pinanga stands. The research used the vegetation analysis method in five research plots, namely plots 11, 12, 68, 72, and 100 with each plot made two observation plots. The results showed that old-growth S. pinanga plantations have formed a stand structure similar to natural forests with an "inverted J" curve. Natural sprouts of S. pinanga were found in all study plots. Plots 11, 68 and 72 were similar to S. pinanga stand structure at seedling and tree
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStruktur dan Komposisi Jenis Tegakan Shorea pinanga di KHDTK Haurbentesid
dc.title.alternativeStructure and Composition of Shorea pinanga Stands in the KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogorid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordHutan tanamanid
dc.subject.keywordShorea pinangaid
dc.subject.keywordstruktur tegakanid
dc.subject.keywordregenerasi alamiid

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