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dc.contributor.advisorWulandari, Arum Sekar
dc.contributor.authorHanifah, Rahmadina
dc.description.abstractMutu fisik bibit bisbul dapat ditingkatkan dengan upaya penambahan nutrisi seperti aplikasi ekoenzim. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) menganalisis pengaruh pemberian ekoenzim terhadap bibit bisbul, (2) menilai mutu fisik bibit bisbul yang dihasilkan berdasarkan SNI 8420:2018, dan (3) menilai kesiapan bibit bisbul yang dihasilkan untuk dipindahkan ke lapangan. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah kaca dengan mengaplikasikan ekoenzim terhadap bibit bisbul. Konsentrasi ekoenzim yang digunakan yaitu kontrol (tanpa ekoenzim), dan larutan ekoenzim dengan pengenceran akuades dalam perbandingan 1:200; 1:150; 1:100; dan 1:50 (v/v). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaplikasian ekoenzim tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertambahan tinggi, pertambahan diameter, jumlah daun, panjang akar, dan berat kering pucuk. Pemberian ekoenzim hanya berpengaruh nyata pada berat kering akar. Bibit bisbul yang dihasilkan dinilai sudah siap untuk dipindahkan ke lapangan berdasarkan nilai kekokohan bibit, nisbah pucuk akar dan indeks mutu bibit. Mutu fisik bibit bisbul yang dihasilkan belum memenuhi persyaratan yang ditentukan dalam SNI 8420:2018. Secara umum, aplikasi ekoenzim dapat meningkatkan berat kering akar dan kesiapan bibit bisbul untuk dipindahkan ke lapangan, tetapi mutu fisik bibit bisbul yang dihasilkan belum memenuhi
dc.description.abstractOne of the attempts to improve the physical quality of velvet apple is by adding nutrients such as the application of ecoenzymes. This research aims to (1) analyze the effect of the application of ecoenzymes on velvet apple seedlings, (2) assess the physical quality of the bisbul seedlings produced based on SNI 8420:2018, and (3) assess the readiness of the resulting velvet apple seedlings to be transferred to the field. The research was conducted in a greenhouse by applying ecoenzymes to velvet apple seedlings. The ecoenzyme concentrations used were control (without ecoenzyme), and ecoenzyme solution with distillation of distilled water in a ratio of 1:200; 1:150; 1:100; and 1:50 (v/v). The results showed that the application of ecoenzymes had no significant effect on height, diameter, number of leaves, root length and shoot dry weight. Aplication of ecoenzymes only had a significant effect on root dry weight. The physical quality of the bisbul seedlings produced does not meet the requirements specified in SNI 8420:2018. The bisbul seedlings produced were assessed as ready to be transferred to the field based on the value of seedling firmness, root shoot ratio and seed quality index. In general, the application of ecoenzymes can increase the dry weight of the roots and the readiness of the bisbul seedlings to be transferred to the field, but the physical quality of the bisbul seedlings produced does not the meet standards
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengaruh Ekoenzim terhadap Mutu Fisik Bibit Bisbul (Diospyros blancoi A. DC.)id
dc.title.alternativeEffect of Ecoenzymes on Velvet Apple (diospyros blancoi A. DC.) Seedlings' Physical Qualityid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordindeks mutu bibitid
dc.subject.keywordkekokohan bibitid
dc.subject.keywordnisbah pucuk akarid
dc.subject.keywordStandar Nasional Indonesiaid
dc.subject.keywordIndonesian National Standardsid
dc.subject.keywordseedling quality indexid
dc.subject.keywordseedling sturdinessid
dc.subject.keywordshoot-root ratioid

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