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dc.contributor.advisorArdie, Sintho Wahyuning
dc.contributor.advisorNugroho, Satya
dc.contributor.authorWindiastri, Vincentia Esti
dc.description.abstractVINCENTIA ESTI WINDIASTRI. Variasi Gen Penyandi Enzim Biosintesa Lignin Tanaman Monokotil dan Karakterisasi Gen COMT pada Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Dibimbing oleh SINTHO WAHYUNING ARDIE dan SATYA NUGROHO. Lignin adalah bahan alam yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan mentah, di antaranya dalam industri papan partikel, kesehatan, dan bioenergi. Peningkatan produksi lignin mendorong tersedianya sumber lignin terbaharukan dan ramah lingkungan. Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) berpotensi digunakan sebagai sumber biomassa untuk produksi lignin. Produksi lignoselulosa dari sorgum per tahunnya mencapai 19-47 ton/ha. Meskipun demikian, untuk memanfaatan sorgum sebagai sumber lignin secara optimal diperlukan peningkatan kandungan total lignin pada tanaman sorgum. Rekayasa genetika dalam modifikasi kandungan lignin dapat menjadi jawaban. Namun, informasi mengenai gen biosintesis lignin pada sorgum masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh informasi protein biosintesis lignin pada tanaman monokotil menggunakan pendekatan analisis in silico dan mengkarakterisasi gen penyandi enzim COMT (Caffeic acid O methyltransferase) pada sorgum. Analisis bioinformatika mengenai protein biosintesis lignin telah dilakukan menggunakan beberapa program bioinformatika; BLAST, Mega-X, Conserved Domain Database, InterPro, dan MEME. Analisis in silico yang dilakukan menggambarkan bahwa protein biosintesis lignin dari tanaman-tanaman monokotil membentuk klaster yang searah dengan arah divergensi taksonomi tanaman monokotil. Protein lignin dari sorgum mengelompok bersama Mischanthus, tebu dan jagung. Pohon kekerabatan protein COMT menghasilkan nilai bootstrap tertinggi untuk protein COMT sorgum (97) di antara pohon filogeni protein-protein yang lain. Hasil penyejajaran keluarga protein COMT sorgum (XP_002445083.1) dengan protein COMT dari Mischanthus, tebu, jagung dan Arabidopsis thaliana menunjukkan bahwa protein dengan nomor aksesi GenBank XP_002445083.1 mempunyai karakter fungsional yang saling mirip, sehingga dapat diduga bahwa XP_002445083.1 adalah protein penyandi COMT pada sorgum. Gen Bmr12 (BROWN MIDRIB12) diperkirakan mempunyai fungsi dalam penentuan kandungan total lignin pada sorgum karena mutasi gen bmr12 menyebabkan kandungan total lignin tanaman mutan tereduksi. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi variasi basa (single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP) pada coding DNA sequence (CDS) gen Bmr12 dari sorgum dengan kandungan lignin tinggi (aksesi KS, 4182, dan SMM) dan kandungan lignin rendah (aksesi Buleleng Empok, JP, dan Pahat) serta mempelajari pola ekspresi gen Bmr12 pada kedua kelompok sorgum tersebut. Gen Bmr12 berhasil di isolasi dari cDNA enam aksesi sorgum dengan panjang basa nukleotida 1.089 bp. Penyejajaran gen Bmr12 dari keenam genotipe sorgum dengan sekuen referensi (XM_002445038) menunjukkan terdapat 3 synonymous SNP (pada posisi basa ke-420, 675, 693) dan 3 non-synonymous SNP (pada posisi basa ke-266, 676 dan 905) pada aksesi KS. Ekspresi relatif gen Bmr12 pada daun sorgum di stadia heading menunjukkan ekspresi tertinggi pada aksesi 4183A, yaitu 25,59 kali lipat dari ekspresi aksesi Pahat. Ketiga aksesi lainnya, SMM, Buleleng Empok, JP mempunyai pola ekspresi yang hampir sama (11,36; 12,38; 14,57 kali lipat) dan KS sebesar 4,77 kali
dc.description.abstractVINCENTIA ESTI WINDIASTRI. Variation of Genes Encoding Lignin Biosynthetic Enzymes in Monocots and Characterization of the COMT Gene in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Supervised by SINTHO WAHYUNING ARDIE and SATYA NUGROHO. As one of the natural products, lignin can be utilized as raw materials for industries, biofuel, and bioenergy. With the increasing demand for lignin, it is important to find a renewable and environmentally friendly source to produce lignin. Sorghum has the potential to be used as a biomass source to produce lignin because it annually produces 19-47ton/ha lignocellulose. However, to utilize them optimally, it is important to increase the lignin content in the crops. Genetic engineering for lignin content modification is key to producing lignin optimally. However, the information about lignin biosynthesis genes in sorghum is still limited. This experiment aimed to explore more information on the lignin biosynthesis proteins in monocot plants by in silico analysis and to characterize COMT (Caffeic acid O methyltranspherase) encoding gene in sorghum. Bioinformatic analysis on lignin biosynthesis protein was conducted by using BLAST, Mega-X, Conserved Domain Database, InterPro, and MEME tools. The in-silico analysis showed that the clustering of lignin biosynthetic proteins follows the divergence of monocot plants, where sorghum proteins clustered together with Mischanthus, sugarcane, and maize. The best bootstrap for sorghum protein (97) was achieved by the COMT protein phylogeny tree. The alignment of the COMT family protein from sorghum (XP_002445083.1) shows that this protein has similar functional characteristics with other COMT family proteins from other representative monocot plants and also from Arabidopsis. This suggests that XP_002445083.1 is a putative COMT protein from sorghum. It is predicted that the Bmr12 gene in sorghum (SbCOMT, Sorghum bicolor CAFFEIC ACID O METHYLTRANSFERASE) has a function in determining the total lignin content in sorghum. It is because the bmr12 mutation caused total lignin reduction in mutant plants. The objectives of this experiment were to identify single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) on the CDS of Bmr12 genes among high lignin content sorghums (KS, 4182, dan SMM accessions) and low lignin content sorghums (Buleleng Empok, JP, dan Pahat accessions). Bmr12 gene sequences had been isolated from the cDNAs of six sorghum accessions with a length of 1,089 bp. The alignment of those gene sequences with their reference sequence (XM_002445038) showed 3 synonymous SNPs (at position 420, 675, and 693) and 3 non-synonymous SNPs (at position 266, 676, and 905). Relative expressions of Bmr12 gene from sorghum leaves at the heading stage had been analyzed. The 4183A accession showed the highest Bmr12 expression level, 25.59 folds of Pahat’s. The other accessions, such as SMM, Buleleng Empok, JP showed relatively similar expression levels, 11.36; 12.38; and 14.57 folds, respectively. The expression level Bmr12 in the KS accession was 4.77
dc.description.sponsorshipDegree By Research SATREPS (Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development Program) “The Project for Producing Biomass Energy and Materials Through Revegetation of Alang-alang (Imperata cylindirica) Field”id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.titleVariasi Gen Penyandi Enzim Biosintesis Lignin Tanaman Monokotil dan Karakterisasi Gen COMT pada Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)id
dc.subject.keywordin silicoid
dc.subject.keywordlignin biosynthetic proteinid
dc.subject.keywordtotal lignin contentid

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