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dc.contributor.advisorSartiami, Dewi
dc.contributor.advisorHarahap, Idham Sakti
dc.contributor.authorAnugerah, Alfan Aldino Cahya
dc.description.abstractKutu putih dapat ditemukan hampir di seluruh pertanaman nanas. Serangga ini merupakan hama utama tanaman nanas. Serangan kutu putih pada tanaman nanas ditandai dengan munculnya material berwarna putih pada daun yang mengganggu proses fotosintesis tanaman. Berbagai penelitian mengenai identifikasi kutu putih sudah banyak dilakukan, namun pembuatan kunci identifikasi kutu putih pada pertanaman nanas belum pernah dilakukan. Sehingga, penelitian mengenai Inventarisasi dan Kunci Identifikasi Kutu Putih pada pertanaman nanas perlu dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi berbagai spesies kutu putih, mengetahui karakterisitik khusus setiap spesies, serta penyusunan kunci identifikasi kutu putih di perkebunan nanas di Blitar dan Lampung. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam empat tahap, yaitu pengamatan lapangan, pengumpulan data primer, identifikasi dan pembuatan kunci identifikasi. Pengamatan lapang dilakukan pada perkebunan nanas milik perseorangan di Kecamatan Gandusari, Kabupaten Blitar dan Kecamatan Terbanggi Besat, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah dengan metode observasi langsung dengan mengamati 105 sampel kutu putih yang ditemukan pada pertanaman nanas di setiap tempat pengamatan dilakukan. Pengambilan data menggunakan metode pengambilan sampel acak dari setiap area. Kemudian kutu putih dipreparasi dan diidentifikasi dengan bantuan mikroskop. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi ditemukan kutu putih yang berasal dari tiga genus berbeda yakni Ferrisia, Dysmicoccus dan Planococcus. Hasil identifikasi dibuat tabel matriks karakteristik tiap spesies untuk pembuatan kunci
dc.description.abstractMealybugs can be found almost throughout the pineapple plantation in the world. This insect is the major pest of pineapple. Mealybug's attacks on pineapple plants are characterized by the appearance of white material on the leaves that interferes with the plant's photosynthesis process. Various studies on the identification of mealybugs have been carried out, but the key to identifying mealybugs in pineapple plantations has never been done. Thus, research on inventory and key identification of mealybugs in pineapple plants must be made. The purpose of the study was to identify various species of mealybugs, determine the specific characteristics of each species, as well as the preparation of identification keys for mealybugs in pineapple plantations in Blitar and Lampung. The research was conducted in four stages: field observation, primary data collection, identification, and identification of key production. Field observations were carried out on individually owned pineapple plantations in Gandusari District, Blitar Regency, and Terbanggi Besar District, Central Lampung Regency, with direct observation method by observing 105 samples of mealybugs found on pineapple plantations in each place where observations were made. Data is collected using a random sampling method from each area. Then the Mealybugs are prepared and identified using a microscope. Based on the identification of mealybugs, there are three different genera: Ferrisia, Dysmicoccus, and Planococcus. The identification results are made into a Matrix Table of characteristics of each species for the manufacture of identification
dc.description.sponsorshipMatching Fund Kedaireka 2022id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKeanekaragaman Spesies Kutu Putih Pada Tanaman Nanas (Ananas comosus (L.)) di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah dan Kabupaten Blitarid
dc.title.alternativeSpecies Diversity of mealybugs on Pineapple Plants (Ananas comosus (L.)) In Central Lampung and Blitar Regencyid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordKunci identifikasiid
dc.subject.keywordKutu putihid

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