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dc.contributor.advisorSetiadi, Dedi Rahmat
dc.contributor.advisorAnnisa, Fitriya Nur
dc.contributor.authorNurramadhani from Fitria Annisa Nurramadhani, Fitria Annisa from Fitria Annisa Nurramadhani
dc.description.abstractBeruk or pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina) is one of the Indonesian nonhuman primates that has an important role in biomedical research. Fulfilling animal welfare for macaques in research and captive facilities is an important thing that must be implemented. This study aims to examine the preferences or interests of the pigtail macaques for environmental enrichment in the form of provision of vegetables, tubers and fruits based on the behavior patterns and activities of five macaques in colonies kept at the research animal facility of the Primate Research Center of IPB. Behavioral observation was carried out using the scan animal sampling method on eating, inactive, foraging, object manipulation, fighting, aggressive behavior, social interaction, abnormal behavior, and others. The results showed that pigtail macaques had an interest when provided long beans, kale, sweet potatoes smeared with honey, and watermelon which were given in agar. This is characterized by the dominance of eating and foraging behaviors shown during the period of environmental enrichment provision. Based on the duration of feeding, foraging and object manipulation activities, the order of the monkeys' interest in environmental enrichment objects from high to low consists of sweet potatoes smeared with honey, long beans, watermelon in agar, and water spinach. Keywords: Animal welfare, environmental enrichment, macaca nemestrina, preference, scan animal
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStudi Preferensi Beruk Macaca Nemestrina Terhadap Pengayaan Lingkungan Baru di Pusat Studi Satwa Primata IPBid
dc.title.alternativePreference Study Of Old Pigtail Macaques (Macaca nemestrina) Towards New Environtmental Enrichment in Primate Research Center IPBid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordanimal welfareid
dc.subject.keywordenvirontmental enrichmentid
dc.subject.keywordMacaca nemestrinaid
dc.subject.keywordScan animal samplingid

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