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dc.contributor.advisorHermawan, Dede
dc.contributor.authorPutri, Tiara Sulistiana
dc.description.abstractProduktivitas hutan Indonesia semakin menurun, sedangkan kebutuhan manusia akan bahan baku kayu semakin meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini antara lain dengan mengembangkan pambuatan metrial papan komposit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat papan komposit polyester berpenguat serat kelapa dengan penambahan serbuk bagas sorgum terhadap kualitas papan komposit polyester. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode dengan 2 faktor yaitu presentase kadar partikel (20%, 30%, dan 40%) dan variasi ukuran mesh sorgum (40-60 mesh dan lolos 60 mesh) dengan kadar matrik resin polyester 70% dan penambahan hardener 3%. Kerapatan target papan komposit polyester 1 g cm-3 . Secara keseluruhan kerapatan papan berkisar antara 1,10-1,15 g cm-3 . Campuran papan komposit polyester-serat kelapa dengan serbuk bagas sorgum dapat meningkatkan sifat fisis, mekanis, dan impak. Kadar partikel hanya berpengaruh nyata pada kekuatan impak papan sehingga dapat meningkatkan nilai kekuatan papan komposit. Ukuran partikel tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap sifat fisis, mekanis dan impak papan komposit. Papan komposit dengan presentase kadar partikel yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan nilai kuat tarik dan impak pada
dc.description.abstractThe productivity of Indonesia's forests is declining gradually everyday, while the human needs for the raw materials such as wood is increasing along with the increasing population. One possible solution for this problem is to develop composite materials manufacturing. The purpose of this study is to make polyester composite boards reinforced with coconut fiber with the addition of sorghum bagasse powder to increase the quality of polyester composite boards. This method uses 2 factors, namely the percentage of particle content (20%, 30%, and 40%) and variations in the size of the sorghum mesh (40-60 mesh and 60 mesh) with a matrix content of 70% polyester resin and the addition of 3% hardener. The target density of polyester composite board is 1 g cm-3 . Overall board density ranges from 1,10- 1,15 g cm-3 . A mixture of polyester-coconut fiber composite board with sorghum bagasse powder can increase the value of physical, mechanical and impact properties. The particle content has significant effect on the impact strength of the board, therefore it can increase the strength value of the board. Particle size has no significant effect on the physical, mechanical and impact properties of the board. Composite boards with a high percentage of particle content can increase the tensile and impact strength values of the
dc.description.sponsorshipPusat Riset Biomassa dan Bioproduct, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKarakteristik Papan Komposit Polyester-Serat Kelapa Dengan Penambahan Serbuk Bagas Sorgumid
dc.title.alternativeCharacteristics of Polyester-Coconut Fiber Composite Board with the Addition of Sorghum Bagasse Powderid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcoconut fiberid
dc.subject.keywordcomposite boardid

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