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dc.contributor.advisorSoedomo, Sudarsono
dc.contributor.authorAdinugraha, Anggiana Ginanjar
dc.description.abstractLembaga Masyarakat Desa Hutan (LMDH) merupakan prasyarat pelaksanaan Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat di wilayah Perhutani. LMDH memainkan peran penting dalam memastikan perolehan manfaat objek PHBM bagi semua elemen di internalnya. Kelemahan LMDH dalam mendistribusikan manfaat objek PHBM mengakibatkan ketimpangan perolehan manfaat di antara pengurus dan anggota, serta antar sesama anggota. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses pembuatan mekanisme distribusi manfaat objek PHBM dan menganalisis implementasi mekanisme distribusi manfaat objek PHBM. Identifikasi para pihak yang terlibat dalam proses pembuatan mekanisme distribusi manfaat objek PHBM didasarkan pada pengaruh dan kepentingannya. Impelementasi mekanisme distribusi manfaat objek PHBM didekati dengan membandingkan peran para pihak berdasarkan aturan formal dan realisasi di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembuatan mekanisme distribusi manfaat objek PHBM didominasi oleh pandangan, pengaruh dan kepentingan badan pengurus LMDH. Impelementasi mekanisme distribusi manfaat objek PHBM ditandai dengan penyimpangan terhadap pedoman internal LMDH dan bersifat incremental. Prinsip keadilan tidak diterapkan dalam implementasi mekanisme distribusi manfaat objek PHBM yang ditandai dengan tidak memfasilitasi kebebasan politik para anggota dan tidak memperhatikan ketimpangan sosial ekonomi di internal LMDH. Kondisi demikian semakin memperluas ruang kompetisi di internal LMDH dalam perolehan manfaat objek PHBM dan membuka potensi penghisapan terhadap para anggota LMDH dari lapisan sosial ekonomi terbawah. Dengan demikian kinerja LMDH semakin mengukuhkan ketimpangan sosial ekonomi di internal LMDH secara khusus dan di desa hutan secara
dc.description.abstractLegal Forest User Group the village level,-widely called as Lembaga Masyarakat Desa Hutan (LMDH) is a prerequisite for the implementation of Community Based Forest Management in Perhutani area. LMDH plays an important role in ensuring the benefits of CBFM objects for all elements in their internal. The weakness of LMDH in distributing the benefits of CBFM objects results in inequality of benefit between organizing committe and members, as well as among members. This study aims to analyze the formulation process of benefit distribution mechanism of CBFM object and analyze implementation of benefit distribution mechanism of CBFM object. The identification of the parties involved in the process of establishing the CBFM object benefit distribution mechanism is based on its effect and interest. Implementation of the benefit distribution mechanism of CBFM objects is approached by comparing the roles of the parties based on formal rules and realities on the ground. The result of the research shows that the formulating process of benefit distribution mechanism of CBFM object is dominated by perception, effect and interest of organizing committe. The implementation of benefit distribution mechanism of CBFM object is characterized by deviations from the LMDH internal guidelines and has incremental properties. The principle of fairness is not applied in the implementation of the benefit distribution mechanism of CBFM object which is characterized by not facilitating the political freedom of the members and not paying attention to socio-economic inequalities inside LMDH. Such conditions further extend the competition space within the LMDH to get benefit of the PHBM object and unlock the potential for exploitation of LMDH members from the lowest socio-economic class. Thus the performance of LMDH further reinforces the socio-economic inequalities inside LMDH particularly and in forest villages
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.subject.ddcForest managementid
dc.subject.ddcPine forestid
dc.titleMekanisme distribusi manfaat objek pengelolaan hutan bersama masyarakat (PHBM): Kasus hutan tanaman pinusid
dc.title.alternativeBenefit Distribution Mechanism of Community Based Forest Management (CBFM): Pine Forest
dc.subject.keywordbenefit distribution mechanismid
dc.subject.keywordRedistributional equityid

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