Formulasi masalah dan kebijakan pengelolaan Hutan rakyat sebagai kawasan berfungsi lindung di Kabupaten Kuningan Propinsi Jawa Barat
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Purbawiyatna, Alan
Kartodihardjo, Hariadi
Alikodra, Hadi Sukadi
Prasetyo, Lilik Budi
Show full item recordAbstract
Salah satu penyebab banyaknya kegagalan pengelolaan sumberdaya alam, termasuk kawasan lindung, adalah fenomena open access yaitu situasi dimana tidak ada seorangpun memiliki hak legal untuk mengeluarkan pihak lain dari pemanfaatan sumberdaya. Sementara itu hutan rakyat yang berada pada lahan milik, karena sifat hak kepemilikan privatnya dapat mencegah terjadinya open access, sehingga jika pengelolaannya dapat dilakukan secara lestari maka dapat memberikan fungsi lindung dalam jangka panjang. Kebijakan pemerintah daerah Propinsi Jawa Barat (Perda Nomor 2/2006) menetapkan adanya kawasan berfungsi lindung di luar hutan lindung. Selama ini hutan lindung ditetapkan di dalam kawasan hutan negara. Dengan demikian Perda tersebut di atas dapat menjadi pintu masuk untuk mendorong pengelolaan hutan rakyat berkelanjutan agar dapat memberikan manfaat fungsi lindungnya bagi masyarakat luas selain manfaat ekonomi bagi pemiliknya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis masalah dan kebijakan pengelolaan hutan rakyat berkelanjutan dalam rangka meningkatkan fungsi hutan hak dalam memberikan fungsi lindung di luar kawasan lindung pada kawasan hutan negara. Penelitian dilakukan di 16 desa di Kabupaten Kuningan Propinsi Jawa Barat.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan meliputi analisis perubahan tutupan lahan hutan rakyat, analisis faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap perubahan tutupan lahan, analisis kinerja pengelolaan hutan rakyat dalam perspektif pengelolaan secara kolektif dan individual, analisis implementasi kebijakan dan analisis kemungkinan perubahan kelembagaan serta kemungkinan tindakan insentif bagi kasus di lokasi penelitian. An open access condition has been recognized as one of underlying causes of many failures in natural resource management including in protected areas. This failure leads to inability of protected area to provide environmental benefit for the community. In the other hand a private forest, due to its private ownership rights that can prevent an open access, potentially managed sustainably and provide not only economic benefit for the owner but also environmental and social benefit as well for the community. This research is aimed to analize problems and policies on sustainble private forest management in order to enhance its protection function outside protected areas in the state owned forest. The research was conducted in 16 villages in Kuningan District, West Java Province. The methods applied including analysis of forest cover change in private forestland, analysis on factors contributes to that forest cover changes, analysis of performance of private forest management at the perspective of collective and individual, policy implementation, possibility of institutional change and relevant incentive measures for the situation at the research location. The result suggest that economic motivation of community, existence of informal institution, impact of PHBM program, government aid, land area owned and occupation as a farmer were contributes to the improvement of private forest cover. The existing private forest management indicates sufficient performance for individual household management level but did not fit with forest management standard at collective perspective. Problems of private forest to be sustainably managed and provide protection function for public are weak capability on technical forest management, weak institutional aspect and insufficient incentives. Policies of private forest were not being implemented optimally, and formulated policy and implemented programs lead by government on private forest management are not compatible with problems perceived by the community. Current institutions of private forest management along with good perception on protection function of the forest is potentially to be enhanced into collective forest management. Incentive needed by the community to support sustainable private forest management among others are (a) support in developing infrastructure of forest management, (b) support to intensify production and marketing of community products, (c) capacity building of field education officers, (d) available information on forest management, conservation and market, (e) support for institution transformation.