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dc.contributor.advisorHerliyana, Elis Nina
dc.contributor.advisorRusniarsyah, Lufthi
dc.contributor.authorGodi, Rizal Lul
dc.description.abstractJamur tiram (Pleurotus spp.) merupakan salah satu jenis jamur kayu yang banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat karena memiliki kandungan gizi yang tinggi. Limbah serbuk sengon, kelapa sawit dan serasah daun jati menjadi alternatif sebagai media tanam dalam kultivasi jamur tiram. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pertumbuhan dan produksi jamur tiram (Pleurotus spp.) pada media yang mengandung serbuk sengon, daun jati, dan Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS). Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RALF). Faktor pertama terdiri atas jamur tiram cokelat dan merah, faktor kedua terdiri atas 6 komposisi media. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan formula 2 (serbuk sengon 1860 g + daun jati 300 g) memberikan pengaruh terbaik pada fase vegetatif dengan rata-rata pertumbuhan miselium 0,75 cm/hari. Fase generatif paling baik dalam 2 kali panen diperoleh formula 4 (serbuk sengon dengan TKKS 1:2) yaitu 9 hari. Total bobot basah tertinggi diperoleh formula 4 yaitu 103,39 g dengan nilai efisiensi biologis 53,28%. Hama dan penyakit yang ditemukan adalah tungau, Collembola, dan Trichoderma sp. Kata kunci: budi daya, limbah, media, pertumbuhan, produktivitas ABSTRACT RIZAL LUL GODI. Effect of Sengon Powder, Teak Leaves, and Empty Bunches of Oil Palm (EBOP) on Cultivation Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus spp.). Supervised by ELIS NINA HERLIYANA and LUFTHI RUSNIARSYAH. Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus spp.) is a type of wood mushroom that is widely consumed by the public because it has a high nutritional content. Waste of sengon powder, oil palm and teak leaf litter is an alternative as a growing medium in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. This study aims to study the growth and production of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus spp.) on media containing sengon powder, teak leaves, and Empty Bunches of Oil Palm (EBOP). The method used is the Factorial Complete Randomized Design (FCRD). The first factor consists of brown and red oyster mushrooms, the second factor consists of 6 media compositions. The results showed that formula 2 media (sengon powder 1860 g + teak leaves 300 g) had the best influence with an average growth of mycelium of 0,75 cm/day. The generative phase that requires the shortest harvest period in formula 4 media (sengon powder with EOPB 1:2) is 9 days. The highest total wet weight of the fungus was obtained in formula 4 media, which was 103,39 g with a biological efficiency value of 53,28%. Pests and diseases found are mites, Collembola, and Trichoderma sp. Keywords: cultivation, growth, media, productivity, wasteid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengaruh Serbuk Sengon, Daun Jati, dan Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) terhadap Kultivasi Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus spp.)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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