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Strategy to Enhance Economic Condition of Kuantan Singingi Regency Rlau Province through The Treatment of Liquid Waste of on Palm to become Biodiesel

dc.contributor.advisorBaga, Lukman Mohammad
dc.contributor.advisorHadisoegondo, Soebroto
dc.contributor.authorSiregar, M. Yusuf
dc.description.abstractPreviously Indonesia constitues a net-exporter country in the field of oil fuel (BBM) but currently has become net-importer of BBM as of 2000. Kuansing Regency is capable to produce liquid waste of 35,640 ton per-day or 1.07 million ton per-month. But up to now the treatment of such liquid waste has not been well utilized economically as raw material for bio-diesel and therefore such liquid waste is deemed as ''waste'' that provides negative externality against community existing surrounding factory. Meanwhile in one side there is a need for Fuel Oil (BBM) that is sufficiently big in order to support energy procurement in Kuantan Sengingi Regency. Based on analysis of Locations Quotient (LQ) and Specialization Index (SI), conclusion can be made that Sub-district of Benai Constitutes a strategic location for the development ofbio-diesel industry the raw material of which is originated from (liquid waste) in Kuantan Sengingi Regency. Financially the .development of bio-diesel with
dc.description.abstractIndonesia dulunya merupakan negara net-exporter di bidang bahan bakar minyak (BBM) kini telah menjadi net-impoter BBM sejak tahun 2000. Hal ini sungguh ironis karena teJjadi pada saat harga minyak dunia tidak stabil dan cenderung mengalami peningkatan. Pada periode bulan Januari-Iuli 2006, produksi BBM Indonesia hanya mencapai 1,03 juta barel per hari, sedangkan konsumsi BBM mencapai sekitar 1,3 juta barel per hari sehingga terdapat defisit BBM sebesar 270.000 barel yang harus dipenuhi melalui impor. Dengan harga minyak dunia mencapai US$ 108 per barel, untuk memenuhi deflSit tersebut Indonesia hams menyediakan budget setiap harinya sekitar US$ 29.160.000 per hari atau sekitar Rp 170 miliar per hari. Setiap 1 ton tandan buah segar (TBS) akan dihasilkan limbah cair (liquid waste) sebanyak 600-700 kg. Iika dihitung secara matematis maka masing-masing PKS di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi akan menghasilkan liquid waste sebesar 324 ton per hari. Sehingga Kabupaten Kuansing dapat memproduksi liquid waste sebanyak 35.640 ton sehari atau 1,07 juta ton per bulan. Tetapi hingga saat ini pengelolaan liquid waste tersebut belum dimanfaatkan secara baik dan ekonomis sebagai bahan bakubiodiesel, dan karenanya
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleStrategi Peningkatan Ekonomi Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Provinsi Riau Melalui Pengolahan Limbah Cair (Liquid Waste) Kelapa Sawit Menjadi
dc.titleStrategy to Enhance Economic Condition of Kuantan Singingi Regency Rlau Province through The Treatment of Liquid Waste of on Palm to become Biodiesel

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