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dc.contributor.advisorJaya, I Nengah Surati
dc.contributor.authorAditya, Almayda Dafa
dc.description.abstractKarya ilmiah ini mencakup kajian pemanfaatan data hasil rekaman pesawat nir awak resolusi sangat tinggi dalam rangka pendugaan tinggi tegakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membangun model penduga tinggi tegakan. Model penduga dibangun dengan pendekatan penghitungan Canopy Height Model (CHM) yang diturunkan dari Digital Surface Model (DSM) dan Digital Terrain Model (DTM). Studi ini menemukan model penduga terbaik adalah tinggi tegakan = 1,472(CHM)0,8965, dengan rata-rata simpangan sebesar 9,16%. Rata-rata simpangan diturunkan dari nilai simpangan agregat sebesar 0,71%, simpangan rata-rata sebesar 1,19%, root mean square error sebesar 19,87%, dan bias sebesar 14,85%. Kata kunci: model, pesawat nir awak, tinggi tegakanid
dc.description.abstractThis scientific work included a study using data from very high-resolution drone recordings to estimate tree stand height. The main objective of the study was to build a model for estimating the height of a tree stand. The study used the CHM Canopy Height Model (CHM) calculation approach derived from the Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) to develop the estimator model. This study found that the best predictor model was stand height = 1,472(CHM)0,8965, with an average deviation of 9.16%. This average deviation was obtained from the aggregate deviation value of 0.71 %, the average deviation is 1.19%, the root mean square error is 19.87%, and the bias is 14,85%. Keywords: drone, model, stand heightid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleModel Penduga Tinggi Tegakan Berbasis Data Model Tinggi Kanopi Rekaman Pesawat Nir Awak: Studi Kasus di Provinsi Jambiid
dc.title.alternativeStand Height Estimator Model Based on Canopy Height Model of Unmanned Aerial Recording Data: A Case Study in Jambi Provinceid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordstand heightid
dc.subject.keywordstand heightid

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