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dc.contributor.advisorRustiadi, Ernan
dc.contributor.advisorHidayat, Janthy T
dc.contributor.authorLatif, Julifa M
dc.description.abstractKota Ternate Provinsi Maluku Utara memiliki potensi yang besar dalam sektor pariwisata, letak geografis Kota Ternate yang strategis menyebabkan tingkat kunjungan wisatawan yang tinggi baik wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara, memiliki keanekaragaman obyek dan daya tarik wisata, memiliki karakteristik kota sebagai kota pantai (waterfront city) dan peluang peningkatan pendapatan anggaran daerah (PAD) dari sektor pariwisata. Ditinjau dari kebijakan yang ada saat ini, baik dari tingkat pusat maupun daerah mendukung untuk pengembangan pariwisata di Kota Ternate beberapa hal yang diamanatkan seperti penyediaan sarana dan prasarana pariwisata, pembangunan aksesibilitas pariwisata, serta pembangunan daya tarik wisata. Namun kondisi saat ini potensi pariwisata di sepanjang pantai Kota Ternate belum tergali secara maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: (1) menganalisis obyek wisata pantai yang sudah berkembang, yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan dan yang kurang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan, (2) menganalisis faktor-faktor penarik minat wisatawan pada obyek wisata pantai di Kota Ternate, (3) menyusun strategi pengembangan pariwisata pantai di Kota Ternate Metode analisis yang digunakan meliputi analisis Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) untuk mengetahui obyek wisata yang sudah berkembang, yang berpotensi dikembangkan dan kurang berpotensi dikembangkan, analisis regresi logistik biner untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penarik minat berkunjung wisatawan ke obyek wisata pantai di Kota Ternate, metode hybrid Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan SWOT (Strenghts, Weakness, Opportunities, and Thereats) (A’WOT) untuk menyusun strategi pengembangan pariwisata pantai di Kota Ternate. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa dari 9 obyek wisata pantai, 5 diantarannya masuk ke dalam klasifikasi obyek wisata sudah berkembang yakni Pantai Sulamadaha, Pantai Jikomalamo, Pantai Tobololo, Pantai Bubane Ici, dan Pantai Kastela. Dua obyek wisata pantai yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan yakni Pantai Tabanga, dan Pantai Hol. Sementara itu, 2 obyek wisata yang kurang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan adalah Pantai Ake Rica dan Pantai Talaga Nita. Faktor-faktor signifikan yang mempengaruhi terhadap minat berkunjung wisatawan pada obyek wisata pantai di Kota Ternate yaitu :: umur, jenis kelamin, frekuensi berkunjung, biaya berkunjung dan fasilitas. Strategi prioritas pengembangan pariwisata pantai di Kota Ternate terdiri dari: pengembangan obyek wisata dengan memanfaatkan keunikan, pegadaan dan peningkatan program community based tourism, meningkatkan penyelenggaraan event-event kepariwisataan, peningkatan sarana akomodasi, pengembangan sektor pariwisata sebagai sektor unggulan, dan mempertegas perizinan bahan galian C di beberapa kawasan obyek wisata pantaiid
dc.description.abstractThe City of Ternate, North Maluku Province, has great potential in tourism sector, the strategic geographical location of Ternate City causes it to have a high level of tourist visits, both local and foreign tourists, has a variety of tourist objects and attractions, has the characteristics of the city as a coastal city (waterfront city) and opportunities to increase regional budget revenue (PAD) from the tourism sector. According to the current policies, both at the central and regional levels to support the development of tourism in the City of Ternate, there are several things that are mandated, such as the provision of tourism facilities and infrastructure, development of tourism accessibility, and development of tourist attractions. However, the current condition of the tourism potential along the coast of Ternate City has not been optimally explored. The aims of this study are: (1) to analyze beach tourism objects that have been developed, those that have the potential to be developed and those that are less potential to be developed, (2) to analyze the factors that attract tourists to beach tourism objects in Ternate City, (3) to develop a strategy development of beach tourism in Ternate City The analytical method used includes Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) analysis to determine tourism objects that have developed, those that have the potential to be developed and those that are less potential to be developed, binary logistic regression analysis to determine the factors attracting interest in visiting tourists to beach tourism objects in Ternate City, hybrid Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) (A’WOT) methods to develop strategies for developing beach tourism in Ternate City. The research results obtained that of the 9 beach tourism objects, 5 of them were included in the classification of developed tourist objects, namely Sulamadaha Beach, Jikomalamo Beach, Tobololo Beach, Bubane Ici Beach, and Kastela Beach. Two beach tourism objects that have the potential to be developed are Tabanga Beach and Hol Beach. Meanwhile, 2 tourism objects that have less potential to be developed are Ake Rica Beach and Talaga Nita Beach. Significant factors that affect tourists' interest in visiting beach tourism objects in Ternate City are: age, gender, frequency of visits, visiting fees and facilities. The priority strategy for developing beach tourism in the City of Ternate consists of: developing tourism objects by utilizing uniqueness, procurement and improvement program community based tourism, increasing the implementation of tourism events, improving accommodation facilities, developing the tourism sector as a leading sector, and strengthening permits for C minerals in several coastal tourism
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)id
dc.titleStrategi Pengembangan Pariwisata Pantai di Kota Ternate Provinsi Maluku Utaraid
dc.title.alternativeBeach Tourism Development Strategy in Ternate City, North Maluku Provinceid
dc.subject.keywordA’WOT, Beach town, Multi criteria evaluation, Binary logistic regression, Development strategyid

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