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dc.contributor.advisorBuchori, Damayanti
dc.contributor.advisorNurulalia, Lia
dc.contributor.authorNaafiah, Puteri Rizky
dc.description.abstractPenelitian tentang pengendalian hama pada komoditas Brassicaceae di Indonesia dimulai oleh ilmuwan Belanda pada tahun 1936. Sejauh ini, studi mengenai Brassicaceae telah banyak dilakukan yang berfokus pada studi pengendalian hama baik di skala laboratorium maupun skala lapangan. Namun, selama ini belum ada evaluasi mengenai produk pengetahuan terkait studi hama Brassicaceae. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan tinjauan sistematis terhadap penelitian pengendalian hama pada komoditas Brassicaceae yang dilakukan di Indonesia selama 21 tahun terakhir. Artikel penelitian berupa jurnal atau conference papers yang ditemukan melalui pencarian menggunakan rangkaian kata kunci berkaitan dengan topik penelitian dalam beberapa database. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komoditas kubis dengan tiga hama utama yaitu P. xylostella, C. pavonana dan S. litura paling sering diteliti. Topik riset adalah mengenai biologi, interaksi tri-trofik dan pengendalian hama. Untuk penelitian pengendalian hama, data menunjukkan bahwa 60% publikasi berfokus pada efektivitas pengendalian hama menggunakan insektisida nabati, sedangkan proporsi penelitian lainnya adalah hayati (30%), insektisida sintetik (6%) dan mekanis (4%). Fokus penelitian pengendalian hayati masih didominasi oleh studi biologi dan identifikasi agens hayati, dan hanya satu penelitian yang mencatat keberhasilan pelepasan parasitoid E. argenteopilosus. Fokus penelitian pengendalian insektisida sintetik umumnya membahas status resistensi hama P. xylostella yang terindikasi resisten terhadap lebih dari 10 bahan aktif dalam sediaan insektisida sintetik. Diseminasi informasi terkait hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan belum optimal, sehingga belum menghasilkan teknologi pengendalian hama yang benar-benar dapat diterapkan oleh petani di
dc.description.abstractResearch on pest management of various Brassicaceae family in Indonesia was started by Dutch scientist in 1936. Many studies on Brassicaceae have already been conducted and these studies were focussed on pest control both at the laboratory scale and field scale. However, there has been no evaluation of knowledge products related to Brassicaceae pest studies. This study aims to conduct a systematic review of pest management research on Brassicaceae commodity conducted in Indonesia over the past 21 years. Research articles in the form of journals or conference papers were found through a search using a series of keywords related to research topic in several databases. The results showed that the cabbage commodity with three main pests, namely P. xylostella, C. pavonana, and S. litura was the most frequently studied. Research topics are about biology, tritropic interactions and pest management. For pest management research, data shows that 60% of publications focused on the effectiveness of controlling insects using plant-based insecticides, while the proportion of other studies is biological (30%), synthetic insecticides (6%) and mechanical (4%). The focus of biological control research is still dominated by biological studies and the identification of natural enemies, and only one study was recorded success on the release of the parasitoid E. argentopilosus. The focus of research on synthetic insecticide control generally discusses the resistance status of P. xylostella pests, which have been indicated to be resistant to more than 10 active ingredients in synthetic insecticide preparations. The dissemination of information related to the results of research that has been carried out on pest management is not optimum, so there is no pest management technologies that can actually be applied by farmers in the
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStudi Pengendalian Hama pada Komoditas Brassicaceae di Indonesia: Sebuah Telaah Sistematisid
dc.title.alternativeA Systematic Review of Pest Management Research on Brassicaceae Commodity in
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keyworddata kualitatifid
dc.subject.keywordpengendalian hamaid
dc.subject.keywordpengendalian hayatiid

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