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dc.contributor.advisorAgil, Muhammad
dc.contributor.advisorSetiadi, Mohamad Agus
dc.contributor.authorSalam, La Ode Muhammad Aswad
dc.description.abstractEndometritis merupakan salah satu gangguan reproduksi akibat infeksi uterus yang menyebabkan penurunan efisiensi reproduksi dan kerugian ekonomi yang cukup besar pada peternakan sapi perah. Sapi dengan endometritis mengalami penurunan kebuntingan sebesar 30% pada inseminasi pertama, kemungkinan kecil untuk mengalami kebuntingan dan 70% lebih mungkin untuk diafkir karena kegagalan reproduksi. Endometritis ditandai dengan adanya sekret yang kotor hingga purulen yang terdeteksi di vagina 21 hari atau lebih post partus, atau sekret mukopurulen yang terdeteksi di vagina setelah 26 hari post partus. Sebagian besar kejadian endometritis terjadi akibat kontaminasi bakteri pada lumen uterus tiga minggu setelah melahirkan tergantung pada keseimbangan antara mikroba, kekebalan inang dan faktor lingkungan. Kejadian endometritis secara global sangat bervariasi tergantung dari metode diagnostik yang digunakan, waktu deteksi endometritis, karakteristik sapi dan manajemen pemeliharaan yang berbeda. Endometritis merupakan penyakit multifaktorial dengan beberapa faktor yang telah diidentifikasi sebelumnya seperti musim melahirkan, nutrisi, laktasi, distokia, lahir mati, lahir kembar, abortus, retensio plasenta, metritis, hipokalsemia, mastitis, negative energy balance, dan penundaan siklus ovari. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis secara spesifik tentang prevalensi, faktor kejadian dan pengaruh endometritis terhadap efisiensi reproduksi pada sapi perah. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder 580 ekor sapi perah dari 98 peternak yang dikoleksi dari data recording reproduksi sapi perah di KPBS Pangalengan periode Januari sampai dengan Juni 2020. Data prevalensi, faktor kejadian endometritis, service per conception, conception rate dan pregnancy rate dianalisis secara deskriptif kompatif menggunakan Microsoft Excel, sedangkan jarak lahir ke IB pertama dan days open dianalisis mengunakan independent-sample t test. Hasil penelitian ditemukan data 120 ekor dari 580 ekor sapi perah yang mengalami endometritis dengan tingkat prevalensi sebesar 20,69%, prevalensi tertinggi pada laktasi ≥2. Faktor kejadian berturut-turut adalah infeksi post partus (41,67%), kesulitan melahirkan (41,67%), retensio plasenta (9,17%), abortus (4,17), hipokalsemia/milk fever (2,50%) dan metritis (0,53%). Sapi dengan endometritis mengalami penundaan jarak lahir ke inseminasi buatan pertama daripada tanpa endometritis (123,57±52,77 vs 90,94±41,18 hari) dan perpanjangan days open (146,98±63,01 vs 104,31±46,13 hari). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kejadian endometritis dapat menurunkan efisiensi reproduksi pada sapi perah dengan perpanjangan days open minimal 2 siklus
dc.description.abstractEndometritis is one of the reproductive disorder due to the uterine infection causes a decrease in reproductive efficiency and considerable economic loss in dairy farms. The aim of the research was to observe and analyze the prevalence, factors leading of endometritis and effect of endometritis on reproductive efficiency in dairy cows. Cows with endometritis have a relative 30% reduction in pregnancy on the first insemination, were less likely to become pregnant and 70% more likely to be culled since reproductive failure. Endometritis is characterised by the presence of cloudy to purulent uterine discharge detectable in the vagina 21 days or more after parturition, or mucuopurulent. Most of the incidence of endometritis occurs due to bacterial contamination of the uterine lumen three weeks after parturition depending on the balance between microbes, host immunity and environmental factors. The global incidence of endometritis is highly variable depending on the diagnostic method used, time of endometritis detection, characteristics of cows and different rearing management. Endometritis is a multifactorial disease with several previously identified factors such as calving season, nutrition, parity, dystocia, stillbirth, twin, abortion, retained placenta, metritis, hypocalcemia, mastitis, negative energy balance, and ovarian cycle delay. Therefore this study was conducted to determine and analyze specifically the prevalence, incidence factors and effects of endometritis on reproductive efficiency in dairy cows. This study used data of 580 dairy cows from 98 breeders which were collected from data recording of the dairy cow reproduction at KPBS Pangalengan, Bandung for the period January to June 2020. Data prevalence, factors leading of endometritis, service per conception, conception rate, and pregnancy rate were analyzed descriptively comparative using Microsoft Excel, while the interval from calving to the first insemination and days open were analyzed using the independent-sample t-test. Results of the study revealed that 120 dairy cows from 580 cows have endometritis, with a prevalence rate of 20.69%, and the highest prevalence was in lactation ≥2. Factors leading to endometritis were on postpartum infections of normal birth (41.67%), difficult birth (41.67%), retained of placenta (9.17%), abortion (4.17), hypocalcemia/milk fever (2.50%) and metritis (0.53%). The Cows with endometritis compare to cows without endometritis have a delayed interval from calving to first artificial insemination (123.57 ± 52.77 vs 90.94 ± 41.18 days) and extended days open (146.98 ± 63.01 vs 104.31 ±46.13 days). It can be concluded that the incidence of endometritis can reduce reproductive efficiency in dairy cows by extending the days open minimum 2 estrous
dc.description.sponsorshipInstansi dan Mandiriid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePrevalensi, Faktor Kejadian dan Pengaruh Endometritis Terhadap Efisiensi Reproduksi pada Sapi Perahid
dc.title.alternativePrevalence, Incidence Factors and Influence of Endometritis on Reproductive Efficiency in Dairy Cowid
dc.subject.keywordReproduvtive efficiencyid
dc.subject.keywordDairy cowsid

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