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dc.contributor.advisorRatna, Endang Sri
dc.contributor.advisorKurniawati, Fitrianingrum
dc.contributor.authorShofura, Inas
dc.description.abstractTanaman kawista (Limonia acidissima L.) merupakan tanaman buah tropis langka, berasal dari India bagian Selatan. Buah kawista berpotensi memiliki nilai ekonomi cukup tinggi, dimanfaatkan sebagai obat herbal, produk makanan olahan seperti sirup dan selai, atau dapat dikonsumsi langsung. Di Indonesia, tanaman kawista tersebar sebagai tanaman budidaya pekarangan yang banyak dijumpai di daerah pesisir. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menginventarisasi hama dan penyakit tanaman kawista di daerah pesisir Kabupaten Tuban, Jawa Timur. Metode penelitian dimulai dengan survey penentuan lokasi percobaan lapang menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, diikuti wawancara terhadap petani berkenaan dengan budidaya kawista yang mereka miliki, dilanjutkan dengan pengamatan serta pengambilan contoh hama, penyakit, dan foto gejala kerusakan tanaman untuk selanjutnya diidentifikasi di laboratorium. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap 32 contoh tanaman kawista petani berlokasi di sebelas desa. Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa hama perusak tanaman kawista adalah kutu perisai Aonidiella aurantii, ulat pemakan daun Papilio demoleus, Orgyia spp., ulat kantung Amatissa sp., dan kumbang moncong Hypomeces squamosus. Selain itu, ditemukan gejala lubang gerigitan pada buah, bekas makan bajing kelapa Callosciurus notatus, dan kerusakan batang oleh rayap Coptotermes sp. Penyakit kawista yang ditemukan adalah huanglongbing Candidatus liberibacter asiaticus, karat daun merah Cephaleuros sp., blendok Botryodiplodia theobromae, puru mahkota Agrobacterium tumefaciens, dan busuk buah Rhizopus
dc.description.abstractThe kawista plant (Limonia acidissima L.) is a rare tropical fruit plant, originating from Southern India. Kawista fruit has the potential to have quite high economic value, used as herbal medicine, processed food products such as syrup and jam, or can be consumed directly. In Indonesia, the kawista plant were spread as a garden cultivation plant which are often found in coastal areas. The purpose of this study was to inventory pests and diseases of the kawista plant in the coastal area of Tuban Regency, East Java. The research method began with a survey to determine the location of the field trial using a purposive sampling technique, followed by interviews with farmers regarding their kawista cultivation, followed by observing and taking samples of pests, diseases, and photos of symptoms of plant damage for further identification in the laboratory. Observations were made on 32 samples of kawista from farmers located in eleven villages. The identification results showed that the pests that damaged the kawista plant were red scale Aonidiella aurantii, leaf-eating caterpillar Papilio demoleus, Orgyia spp., bagworm moth Amatissa sp., and the snout beetle Hypomeces squamosus. In addition, symptoms of gnawing holes were found on the surface of the fruit, due to the eating activity of the coconut squirrel Callosciurus notatus, and stem damage by the termite Coptotermes sp. The kawista diseases found were huanglongbing Candidatus liberibacter asiaticus, red rust Cephaleuros sp., stem rot diseases Botryodiplodia theobromae, galls on twigs and stems of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and fruit rot Rhizopus
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleInventarisasi Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Kawista (Limonia acidissima) di Kabupaten Tuban Jawa Timurid
dc.title.alternativeInventory of Pests and Diseases of Kawista Plants (Limonia acidissima) in Tuban Regencyid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordbuah tropisid
dc.subject.keywordobat herbalid
dc.subject.keywordgarden plantid
dc.subject.keywordherbal medicineid
dc.subject.keywordtropical fruitid

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