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dc.contributor.advisorHasim, Hasim
dc.contributor.advisorPriosoeryanto, Bambang Pontjo
dc.contributor.authorAmini, Fitrah
dc.description.abstractKanker payudara adalah salah satu jenis kanker yang paling umum penyebab utama kematian wanita diseluruh dunia. Buah andaliman, daun sirsak, dan kulit manggis merupakan tanaman tradisional yang berpotensi sebagai antikanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan optimasi kombinasi simplisia buah andaliman, daun sirsak, dan kulit manggis dalam berbagai respon. Metode penelitian ini terdiri dari preparasi dan ekstraksi, pengukuran total fenol, pengukuran total flavonoid, uji antioksidan dengan metode DPPH dan FRAP, Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT), dan uji antiproliferasi terhadap sel MCF-7 dan sel Vero serta uji karakterisasi dengan LC-MS. Analisis seluruh hasil penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan model Simplex Centroid Design dengan Design Expert. Nilai optimum titik optimasi diperoleh pada kombinasi simplisia kulit manggis dan daun sirsak. Hasil tertinggi yang akan diperoleh berdasarkan titik optimasi, yakni total fenolik sebesar 189.121 mg GAE/g, flavonoid 6.66 mg QUE/g, antioksidan dengan metode DPPH 42.05 µmol TE/g dan pada metode FRAP 24.89 µmol TE/g, antiproliferasi sel MCF-7 sebesar 51.351% dan antiproferasi sel Vero sebesar 99.439% pada konsentrasi 32 ppm. Hasil analisis LC-MS menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa senyawa yang kemungkinan berperan aktif sebagai agen antikanker yaitu Sanshool, 1,3,7-Trihydroxy-6-methoxy-4,5-diisoprenylxanthone, Annonacin dan Piperine. Simpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa senyawa bioakif dari kombinasi buah andaliman, daun sirsak dan kulit manggis seluruhnya terbukti memiliki aktivitas sitotoksik dan kombinasi optimum terdapat pada kulit manggis dan daun
dc.description.abstractBreast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, the leading cause of death for women worldwide. Zanthoxylum piperitum, Annona muricata, and Garcinia mangostana are traditional plants that have potential as anticancer. This study aims to optimize the combination of simplicia Zanthoxylum piperitum, Annona muricata, and Garcinia mangostana of many responses. This research method consisted of preparation and extraction, measurement of total phenol, measurement of total flavonoid, antioxidant test using DPPH and FRAP methods, Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT), and antiproliferative test on MCF-7 cells and Vero cells as well as characterization test with LC- MS. Analysis of the results of all studies was carried out based on the Simplex Centroid Design model with Design Expert. The optimum value of the optimization point was obtained from the combination of Annona muricata, and Garcinia mangostana simplicia. The highest results will be obtained based on the optimization point, namely a total phenolics of 189,121 mg GAE/g, flavonoids 6.66 mg QUE/g, antioxidants using the DPPH method 42.05 mol TE/g and in the FRAP method 24.89 mol TE/g, antiproliferation of MCF-7 cells of 51.351% at a concentration of 32 ppm and the antiproliferation of Vero cells was 99.439%. The results of the LC-MS analysis showed that there are several compounds that may play an active role as anti-cancer agents, namely Sanshool, 1,3,7-Trihydroxy-6-methoxy-4,5-diisoprenylxanthone, Annonacin and Piperine. The conclusion of this study showes that the bioactive compounds from the combination of andaliman fruit, soursop leaves and mangosteen rind were proven to have cytotoxic activity and the optimum combination is found in mangosteen rind and soursop
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleOptimasi Kombinasi Simplisia Buah Andaliman, Daun Sirsak, dan Kulit Manggis sebagai Kandidat Obat Antikanker Payudaraid
dc.title.alternativeOptimization of Zanthoxylum piperitum, Annona muricata, and Garcinia mangostana Simplicia Combination as Candidate Medicine for Anti Breast Cancerid

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