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dc.contributor.advisorPrasetyo, Lilik Budi
dc.contributor.advisorRushayati, Siti Badriyah
dc.contributor.authorSafhira, Hasna Anggun
dc.description.abstractPerubahan pola penggunaan lahan terus terjadi terutama pada daerah bervegatasi dan daerah terbangun. Pembangunan alih fungsi lahan sangat mempengaruhi dari fungsi kawasan penelitian terhadap daerah disekitarnya. Penggunaan Teknik pengideraan jarak jauh dan sistem informasi geografis (SIG) mempermudah proses monitoring dan pengawasan dengan memanfaatkan gelombang panjang yang dipancarkan matahari. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui perubahan tutupan lahan, suhu permukaan dan analisis pengaruh perubahan tutupan lahan terhadap suhu permukaan selama 29 tahun. Tutupan lahan menggunakan metode maximum likelihood classification (MLC) diklasifikasi menjadi 6 kelas tutupan lahan. Kelas tutupan lahan hutan mengalami penurunan luas sebesar 457,12 ha sedangkan pemukiman mengalami peningkatan sebesar 703,92 ha. Hasil uji akurasi menghasilkan nilai overall accuracy yang dihasilkan sebesar 96.6% atau almost perfect agreement. Suhu permukaan dilakukan pada bulan juli pada setiap tahun pengamatan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 6,3 0C. Hasil analisis menunjukan perubahan tutupan lahan mempengaruhi suhu permukaan di kawasan. Kelas tutupan lahan yang mengalami peningkatan suhu tertinggi adalah pemukiman dan lahan terbuka. Selain disebabkan oleh perubahan tutupan lahan, juga terpengaruhi oleh perubahan iklim
dc.description.abstractChanges in land use patterns continue to occur, especially in vegetated areas and built-up areas. The development of land conversion greatly influences the function of the research area in the surrounding area. The use of remote sensing techniques and geographic information systems (GIS) facilitates the monitoring and surveillance process by utilizing the long waves emitted by the sun. The research was conducted to determine changes in land cover, and surface temperature and analysis of the effect of changes in land cover on surface temperature for 29 years. Land cover using the maximum likelihood classification (MLC) method is classified into 6 land cover classes. The forest land cover class decreased by 457.12 ha while settlements increased by 703.92 ha. The results of the accuracy produce an overall accuracy value of 96.6% or almost perfect agreement. The surface temperature is carried out in July in which each observation year has increased by 6.3 0C. The results of the analysis show that changes in land cover affect the surface temperature in the area. The land cover classes that experienced the highest increase in temperature were settlements and open land. Besides being caused by changes in land cover, it is also affected by global climate
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleDinamika Perubahan Tutupan Lahan dan Suhu Permukaan di Kawasan Wisata Lembang dan Sekitarnyaid
dc.title.alternativeThe Dynamics of Land Cover and Surface Temperature Changes in The Lembang Tourism Area and Its Surroundingsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordPemanasan Globalid
dc.subject.keywordSuhu Permukaanid
dc.subject.keywordTutupan Lahanid
dc.subject.keywordGlobal Warmingid
dc.subject.keywordLand Coverid
dc.subject.keywordSurface Temperatureid

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