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dc.contributor.advisorSantoso, Nyoto
dc.contributor.authorMahesa, Rizki
dc.description.abstractLutung sentarum merupakan primata endemik Kalimantan yang saat ini berada pada status Critically Endangered (kritis) berdasarkan daftar merah IUCN dan belum dilindungi undang-undang. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis tipe habitat lutung sentarum di kawasan Bukit Semujan dan mengkaji kelimpahan tumbuhan sumber pakan yang merupakan salah satu unsur daya dukung habitat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa habitat lutung sentarum di kawasan Bukit Semujan terkategorikan ke dalam tiga tipe hutan, yaitu hutan rawa; peralihan; dan bukit. Terdapat 83 spesies dari 40 famili tumbuhan menyusun kawasan Bukit Semujan. Hutan rawa didominasi famili Myrtaceae, hutan peralihan didominasi Cluciaceae, dan hutan bukit didominasi oleh famili Dipterocarpaceae. Secara struktur, vegetasi penyusun habitat lutung memiliki permudaan yang melimpah sehingga menjadi indikasi bahwa habitat lutung mampu beregenerasi. Selain itu, sebanyak 16 jenis tumbuhan penyedia pakan lutung sentarum tersebar di seluruh tipe habitat dan dimungkinkan dijangkau oleh lutung karena kondisi tajuk antar habitat yang saling interkoneksi. Kata kunci: endemik, hutan rawa, IUCN, regenerasiid
dc.description.abstractTricolour langur is an endemic primate of Borneo which is currently in Critically Endangered based on the IUCN red list and not protected by government’s law. Aim of this research is to analyze the habitat type in the Bukit Semujan and assess the abundance of vegetation that provides food, which is one element of the carrying capacity of the habitat. The results showed that the tricolour langur habitat in the Bukit Semujan area was categorized into three types of forest based on topographic and edaphic differences, namely swamp forest; transition; and hills. There are 83 specieses from 40 plant families that make up the Bukit Semujan area. The swamp forest is dominated by the Myrtaceae, the transitional forest is dominated by the Cluciaceae, and the hill forest is dominated by the Dipterocarpaceae family. Structurally, the vegetation that makes up the lutung habitat has abundant regeneration so that it is an indication that the lutung habitat is able to regenerate. In addition, as many as 16 specieses of plants that provide food for tricolour lutung are spread across all types of habitats and it is possible for langurs to reach them due to the interconnection of canopy conditions between habitats. Keywords: endemic, IUCN, regeneration, swamp forestid
dc.description.sponsorshipTFCA Kalimantanid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisi Tipe Habitat Lutung Sentarum (Presbytis chrysomelas ssp. cruciger, Thomas 1892) di Taman Nasional Danau Sentarumid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of habitat types of tricolour langur (Presbytis chrysomelas ssp. cruciger, Thomas 1892) in Danau Sentarum National Parkid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of habitat types of tricolour langur (Presbytis chrysomelas ssp. cruciger, Thomas 1892) in Danau Sentarum National Parkid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordhutan rawaid

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