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dc.contributor.advisorPurnaba, I Gusti Putu
dc.contributor.advisorBudiarti, Retno
dc.contributor.authorManjaruni, Vivin Aprilia
dc.description.abstractAsuransi parametrik merupakan jenis asuransi yang berisikan kesepakatan terkait peristiwa pemicu atau triggering event antar pihak penanggung dan pihak tertanggung yang penetapannya di awal kontrak. Peristiwa pemicu atau triggering event tersebut merupakan suatu peristiwa yang menyebabkan kerugian bagi pihak tertanggung. Namun berbeda dengan kerugian pada asuransi lain, peristiwa pemicu atau triggering event pada asuransi parametrik telah ditetapkan batas dan jenisnya. Sehingga batasan tersebut lebih memudahkan pihak penanggung (perusahaan asuransi) dalam proses peninjauan untuk pemberian ganti rugi. Ketentuan yang berlaku jika peristiwa pemicu tersebut terpenuhi ialah pihak penanggung (perusahaan asuransi) wajib membayarkan sejumlah uang (ganti rugi) kepada pihak tertanggung. Asuransi parametrik terbagi atas tiga yaitu asuransi pertanian berbasis indeks iklim, asuransi pertanian berbasis indeks harga dan asuransi pertanian berbasis hasil dalam suatu wilayah (area-yield insurance). Pada asuransi pertanian berbasis hasil dalam suatu wilayah intensitas kerugian yang dijamin (level of coverage) atau persentase hasil panen merupakan peristiwa pemicunya. Oleh karena itu, kerugian asuransi pertanian berbasis hasil dalam suatu wilayah merupakan peluang kerugian hasil panen yang berada pada area di bawah kurva fungsi densitas saat hasil panen lebih kecil dari batas maksimal hasil panen yang dijamin. Aturan tersebut merupakan konsep metode parametrik pada asuransi pertanian berbasis hasil dalam suatu wilayah oleh Ozaki yang dijelaskan pada jurnal “Parametric and nonparametric statistical modelling of crop yield: implications for pricing crop insurance contracts”. Intensitas kerugian yang dijamin (level of coverage) dalam penentuan batas maksimal hasil panen yang dijamin mempunyai batas 0 sampai 1, sehingga besar kerugian (ganti rugi) yang diperoleh adil bagi pihak tertanggung maupun pihak penanggung (perusahaan asuransi). Pada metode parametrik tersebut, risiko pandemi Covid-19 belum diperhitungkan padahal pandemi Covid-19 mengakibatkan penurunan penjualan hasil panen pertanian khususnya tanaman cabai yang signifikan. Hal itu disebabkan oleh pemberlakuan work from home (WFH) dan pembatasan sosial berskala besar (PSBB) oleh pemerintah, yang berakibat pada menurunnya tingkat konsumsi dan daya beli masyarakat. dst
dc.description.abstractParametric insurance is a type of insurance that contains an agreement related to triggering events between the insurer and the insured determined at the beginning of the contract. That triggering event is an event that causes loss to the insured. However, in contrast to losses in other insurances, the triggering event in parametric insurance has a defined limit and type. So that limitation makes it easier for the insurer (insurance company) in the review process to provide compensation. The provisions that apply if the triggering event occurs are that the insurer (insurance company) is obliged to pay a sum of money (compensation) to the insured. Parametric insurance consists of three types: climate index-based agricultural insurance, price index-based agricultural insurance, and area yield-based agricultural insurance. In area yield-based agricultural insurance, the level of coverage or the percentage of yields covered is the triggering event. Therefore, area yield-based agricultural insurance losses are based on the probability of crop loss in the area under the density function curve when the yield is less than the maximum guaranteed yield. The rule is a concept of the parametric method of area yield-based agricultural insurance by Ozaki, described in the journal "Parametric and nonparametric statistical modeling of crop yield: implications for pricing crop insurance contracts". The level of coverage in determining the maximum guaranteed yield has a limit of 0 to 1 so that the compensation obtained is fair for both the insured and the insurer (insurance company). In that parametric method related to area yield-based agricultural insurance, coverage for the risk of the Covid-19 pandemic has not been considered, even though the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a significant decrease in sales of agricultural crop yields, especially chili. That is due to the enforcement of work from-home (WFH) and large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) by the government, which resulted in the demand and buying power of the people decreasing. Considering the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have two purposes for this research. dst
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAsuransi Pertanian Tanaman Cabai (Studi Kasus: PT Mitra Tani Parahyangan)id
dc.title.alternativeThe Agricultural Insurance of Chilli Crops (Case Study: PT Mitra Tani Parahyangan)id
dc.subject.keywordagricultural insuranceid
dc.subject.keywordparametric insuranceid
dc.subject.keywordpremium ratesid
dc.subject.keywordasuransi pertanianid

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