Hantaran hidrolik jenuh dan kaitannya dengan beberapa sifat fisika tanah pada tegalan dan hutan bambu
Hydroulic Conductivity is very important in maintaining the quality of soil and environment. Damage of hydroulic conductivity may increases run off and decreases water storage so results in flood, erosion, landslide, and drought. Hydroulic conductivity own related with soil physical characteristics and influence of land use. This study aims to know of hydroulic conductivity and interellated with soil physical characteristics in dry fields and bamboo forests. Influence of land use and location revealed with randomized block design method. This study revealed that bamboo forests own better soil physical characteristics compared to dry fields. Bamboo forests own hydroulic conductivity about 3.00 cm/hour, aggregat stability indeks about 230.15 %, porosity about 51.68 %, drainage pore spaces about 16.80 %, water content about 29.75 % and organic matter about 5.15 % greater than dry fields that own about 0.90 cm/hour, agregat stability indeks about 166.17 %, porosity about 44.08%, drainage pore spaces about 11.89 %, water content about 6.94 % and organic matter about 3.69 %. Bamboo forests and dry fields own bulk density about 1.39 g/cm3 and 1.57 g/cm3. Based on this study, hydroulic conductivity and soil phsyical characteristics in bamboo forests is better than dry fields.