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dc.contributor.advisorRachman, Latief Mahir
dc.contributor.advisorTarigan, Suria Darma
dc.contributor.authorSafitri, Julianti Novita
dc.description.abstractTanah sawah dapat mengalami penurunan kualitas tanah dan produktivitas akibat penggenangan dan pemberian pupuk anorganik secara terus menerus. Rotasi tanaman antara padi dengan palawija dapat menjadi alternatif dalam mempertahankan kesuburan lahan, produktivitas dan perekonomian petani. Karakteristik dan kualitas tanah penting dalam pengembangan pertanian. Kualitas tanah diukur dengan indikator kualitas tanah, salah satu indikatornya yaitu sifat fisik tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji karakteristik sifat fisik tanah sawah dan sifat fisik tanah yang berpengaruh terhadap Indeks Kualitas Fisik Tanah (IKFT), serta mengetahui IKFT dan potensi tanah sawah pasca panen untuk penanaman palawija di Kecamatan Sukaresmi, Kabupaten Cianjur. Metode yang digunakan yaitu PCA (Principal Component Analysis) untuk memilih MDS (Minimum Data Set) dari indikator sifat fisik tanah yang mewakili fungsi tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lokasi penelitian memiliki karakteristik tanah bertekstur lempung berpasir, lempung, lempung liat berpasir dan lempung berliat. Bobot isi berkisar 0,67-0,99 g/cm3 . Permeabilitas semua petak sawah > 12 cm/jam, pori drainase cepat dan pori drainase lambat berkisar 2,66-23,11% dan 1,17-33,66%. Air tersedia berada pada rentang 16,61-52,91%. Sifat fisik yang paling berpengaruh terhadap indeks kualitas fisik tanah adalah tekstur, pori drainase lambat, bobot isi dan permeabilitas. Nilai IKFT pada lokasi penelitian berada pada kisaran 2,80-4,50 dengan kategori agak buruk, sedang, agak baik dan baik. Lokasi penelitian memiliki indeks kualitas fisik tanah yang didominasi kategori agak baik. Hasil analisis karakteristik sifat fisik dan IKFT pada lokasi penelitian cukup sesuai dengan pengembangan tanaman palawija, untuk IKFT kategori agak buruk dan sedang dapat ditingkatkan dengan pemberian bahan
dc.description.abstractPaddy fields can experience a decrease in soil quality and productivity due to the continuous use and application of inorganic fertilizers. Crop rotation between rice and crops can be an alternative to maintain land fertility, productivity, and the economy of the farmers. Soil characteristics and quality are important in agriculture development. Soil quality is measured by soil quality indicators, one of the indicators is the physical properties of the soil. This study aims to examine the characteristics of the physical properties of paddy soil, determine the soil physical properties that have the most influence on the soil physical quality index (SPQI), determine the SPQI, and determine the potential of post-harvest paddy soil for crops in Sukaresmi District, Cianjur regency. The method used is PCA (Principal Component Analysis) to select the MDS (Minimum Data Set) of soil physical properties indicators that represent soil function. The results showed that the study site has the characteristics of textured soil sandy loam, loam, sandy clay loam, and clay loam. The bulk density is between 0.67-0.99 g/cm3 . The permeability of all rice plots > 12 cm/h, fast drainage pores, and slow drainage pores ranged from 2,66- 23,11% and 1,17-33,66%. Available Water Capacity (AWC) is in the range of 16,61-52,91%. Physical properties that most affect the physical quality index of soil are texture, slow drainage pores, bulk density, and permeability. SPQI value at the study site is in the range of 2,80-4,50 with the category of rather low, moderate, rather high, and high. The research location has a soil physical quality index that is dominated by the rather high category. The results of the analysis of the characteristics of physical properties and SPQI at the research site are quite in accordance with the development of crops, for the SPQI category rather low and moderate can be improved by the provision of organic
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKarakteristik Sifat Fisik dan Indeks Kualitas Fisik Tanah Sawah Pasca Panenid
dc.title.alternativeCharacteristics of Physical Properties and Soil Physical Quality Index of Post-Harvest Paddy Fieldsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordpaddy fieldsid
dc.subject.keywordphysical propertiesid
dc.subject.keywordquality soilid

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