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dc.contributor.advisorRohmawati, Fithriya Yulisiasih
dc.contributor.advisorTuryanti, Ana
dc.contributor.authorOktaviani, Chairunisya Nur
dc.description.abstractAnalisis pencemaran udara yang berkaitan dengan kebijakan atau peraturan selama pandemi covid-19 di wilayah rural belum banyak dilakukan. Kajian pencemaran udara di wilayah Puncak Bogor selama tahun terdampak pandemi bertujuan untuk membandingkan pengaruh faktor pembatasan aktivitas, berupa jumlah kendaraan yang melintasi pintu Tol Gadog selama pandemi covid-19 dan pengaruh faktor meteorologi terhadap fluktuasi konsentrasi NO2 dan CO di wilayah Puncak Bogor. Data yang digunakan adalah konsentrasi NO2 dan CO, curah hujan, suhu udara, kelembapan, arah dan kecepatan angin, di sekitar lokasi Cibeureum (Puncak) serta data jumlah kendaraan yang menuju Puncak Bogor melalui pintu Tol Gadog. Hasil analisis menunjukkan jumlah kendaraan menurun pada awal pembatasan aktivitas masyarakat dan diikuti dengan penurunan konsentrasi harian NO2 dan CO, namun hanya pada masa awal pembatasan saja. Peningkatan polutan pada periode PPKM darurat berkaitan dengan pengaruh bulan kering. Konsentrasi NO2 dan CO berbanding terbalik dengan kelembapan, kecepatan angin, dan curah hujan, tetapi cenderung berbanding lurus dengan suhu dan jumlah kendaraan. Nilai R2 antara NO2, CO dan faktor meteorologi lebih besar (< 40%) dibandingkan dengan nilai R2 antara NO2, CO dan jumlah kendaraan (< 20%) sebelum PSBB dan saat PSBB. Saat PPKM nilai R2 antara NO2, CO dan faktor meteorologi juga lebih besar (< 70%) dibandingkan dengan nilai R2 antara NO2, CO dan jumlah kendaraan (< 20%). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi NO2 dan CO di sekitar pemantauan Cibeureum (Puncak) lebih besar dipengaruhi oleh faktor meteorologi daripada pembatasan aktivitas masyarakat (PSBB dan PPKM) di Puncak
dc.description.abstractThe analysis of air pollution related to policies or regulations during the covid-19 pandemic in rural areas has not been widely carried out. The study of air pollution in Puncak Bogor area during the year affected by the pandemic aims to compare the effect of Large-scale Social Restrictions, (PSBB and PPKM) during the covid-19 pandemic and meteorological factors on concentrations fluctuations of NO2 and CO. The data used are NO2 and CO concentrations, rainfall, air temperature, humidity, wind direction and speed at Cibereum (Puncak) location. PSBB data are represented by the number of vehicles going to Puncak Bogor at the Gadog Toll Gate. The results of the analysis showed that the number of vehicles decreased at the beginning of PSBB and was followed by a decrease in daily concentrations of NO2 and CO, only at during the initial period of restriction. The increase of pollutants concentrations in the emergency PPKM period are also influenced by dry season. NO2 and CO concentrations are inversely proportional to humidity, wind speed, and rainfall, but tend to be directly proportional to temperature and number of vehicles. The R2 value between NO2, CO and rainfall is greater (<40%) compared to the R2 value between NO2, CO and the number of vehicles (<20%) before PSBB and during PSBB. During PPKM, R2 value between NO2, CO and meteorological factors was also greater (<70%) compared to the R2 value between NO2, CO and the number of vehicles (<20%). This shows that the concentration of NO2 and CO around the monitoring Cibeureum (Puncak) is more influenced by meteorological factors than restrictions on community activities (PSBB and PPKM) in Puncak,
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Konsentrasi NO2, CO dan Faktor Meteorologi di Wilayah Puncak Bogor Selama Pandemi Covid-19id
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of NO2, CO Concentrations and Meteorological Factors in Puncak Bogor during the Covid-19 Pandemicid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordactivity restrictionsid
dc.subject.keywordcovid-19 pandemicid
dc.subject.keywordmeteorological factorsid

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