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dc.contributor.advisorDarmawan, Darmawan
dc.contributor.advisorIskandar, Iskandar
dc.contributor.authorOktavia, Tri
dc.description.abstractPenurunan kualitas tanah berupa penurunan kesuburan tanah telah terjadi di PT. Great Giant Pineapple (GGP) akibat budidaya nanas secara monokultur sejak 1980-an. Kualitas tanah bisa diperbaiki melalui bahan pembenah tanah. Aplikasi kompos sebagai pembenah tanah telah dilakukan oleh PT. GGP, namun pengaruhnya belum optimal, sehingga diperlukan penambahan pembenah tanah lain. Contoh alternatif pembenah tanah yang lain adalah limbah abu batubara (fly ash dan bottom ash atau FABA) dan batubara muda (lignit). Penelitian ini bertujuan memperbaiki kualitas tanah secara kimia di perkebunan nanas PT. GGP melalui pemberian kompos diperkaya FABA dan lignit. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental di lahan percobaan Research and Development PT. GGP Blok 86 A menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi. Perlakuan terdiri atas bahan pembenah tanah kompos, kompos+FABA, dan kompos+FABA+lignit yang diaplikasikan secara tebar dan palir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengkayaan kompos dengan FABA dan lignit meningkatkan beberapa sifat kimia pembenah tanah diantaranya pH, C-organik, P-total, Ca, Mg, K, Mn, dan Cu. Aplikasi kompos+FABA+lignit secara palir lebih baik dalam memperbaiki beberapa sifat kimia tanah di lahan PT. GGP, diantaranya menurunkan kemasaman tanah serta meningkatkan C-organik, N-total, P-total, P-tersedia, K-dd, Ca-dd, Mg-dd, Na-dd, KTK, dan kejenuhan basa. Perlakuan tersebut belum memperlihatkan pengaruh yang lebih baik dalam meningkatkan N-total, P-tersedia dan K-dd dibandingkan dengan kompos
dc.description.abstractDegradation in soil quality, such as a decrease in soil fertility has occurred at PT. Great Giant Pineapple (GGP) due to monoculture pineapple cultivation since the 1980s. Soil quality can be improved by the application of soil ameliorants. The application of compost as a soil ameliorant has been carried out by PT. GGP, but the effect is not optimal, so it is necessary to add other soil ameliorants. Other soil ameliorant alternatives are coal ash waste (fly ash and bottom ash or FABA) and lignite. This study aims to improve soil quality, especially its chemical properties in the pineapple plantation of PT. GGP with the application of FABA and lignite enriched compost. The research was conducted experimentally at the Research and Development experimental area of PT. GGP Block 86 A uses a Split Plot Design. The treatments consisted of compost, compost+FABA, and compost+FABA+ lignite which is a soil ameliorant material that is applied by spreading it and given in the planting row. The results showed that the enrichment of compost with FABA and lignite increased several chemical properties of the soil ameliorants, including pH, C-organic, P-total, Ca, Mg, K, Mn, and Cu. The application of compost+ FABA+lignite, especially in planting rows, was better in improving some soil chemical properties in PT. GGP, among others, reduces soil acidity and increases C-organic, N-total, P-total, P-available, K-dd, Ca-dd, Mg-dd, Na-dd, CEC, and base saturation. This treatment has not shown a better effect in increasing the total N, P-available, and K-dd compared to
dc.description.sponsorshipProgram Matching Fund Kedaireka 2021 dan PT. Great Giant Pineappleid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleUpaya Perbaikan Kualitas Tanah di Perkebunan Nanas PT. Great Giant Pineapple menggunakan Kompos Diperkaya FABA dan Lignitid
dc.title.alternativeImprovement of Soil Quality at Pineapple Plantation PT. Great Giant Pineapple uses FABA and Lignite Enriched Compostid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordsoil ameliorantid

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