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dc.contributor.authorWicaksono, Adie
dc.description.abstractINTRODUCTION. The application of selective cutting and strip planting (TPTJ) as one of silviculture system is predicted to cause a lot of changes in structure and composition stand. This is related to the limit of commercial cut tree diameter which has to be more than 40 cm and with activity in form of the making of 3 meters wide of clear path for planting strip. The research objectives are : to get information about development of forest production area by observing its composition and forest structure using TPTJ system, as well as to get information about the effect of forest yield harvesting by TPTJ silviculture system on gap opening and residual stands. METHODS. The research conducted at three different forest conditions, were : primary forest, logged over area 0 years after logged (Et+0 forest) and primary forest which is newly done stripped. The method is using line transecht sampling by 100 m x 100 m. In that plot there are sub-plots, sub-plot of tree by 25 m x 20 m (22 m x 20 m after stripping), sub-plot of pole by 10 m x 10 m, sub-plot of sapling by 5 m x 5 m and sub-plot of seedling by 2 m x 2 m. RESULT AND DISCUSSION. The result showed that species composition at forest after logged lower almost in all vegetation leve (seedling, sapling, pole and tree). Forest after stripped showed that average of all vegetation level was increasing. It becaused of difference observed plot in the forest and also a part of LOA in 2007. The activity harvesting of commercial species at silviculture system of selective cutting and strip planting (TPTJ) causes land openness 30,83 to 46,20%. The effects of the application of selective cutting and strip planting (TPTJ) on soil physical and chemical properties include the increase of bulk density, the decrease of soil permeability, the decrease of the value of water availability from primary forest condition down to the condition of post path-making, the decrease of soil pH and cation exchange capacity (KTK). The applicatin of selective cutting and strip planting (TPTJ) in IUPHHK PT. Erna Djuliawati, Central Kalimantan on primary forest instigates changes in the composition and structure of stands as well as in some physical and chemical properties of soil. Keywords : Structure, Composition, Silviculture system, TPTJid
dc.titleStruktur Dan Komposisi Tegakan Pada Areal Bekas Tebangan Dengan Sistem Silvikultur Tebang Pilih Tanam Jalur (Tptj) (Di Areal Iuphhk Pt. Erna Djuliawati, Kalimantan Tengah)id

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