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dc.contributor.advisorPurnomo, Herry
dc.contributor.advisorPuspitaloka, Dyah
dc.contributor.authorKhalidah, Nifa Nabilia
dc.description.abstractKebakaran hutan dan lahan (karhutla) menimbulkan dampak yang besar segi lingkungan, pendidikan, ekonomi, politik, kesehatan, dan sosial. Salah satu penyebab karhutla adalah penggunakan api dalam proses persiapan lahan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Siak, Provinsi Riau dengan mengumpulkan data primer melalui observasi, Focus Group Discussion, dan wawancara; dan diperkaya dengan data sekunder. Analisis konten, Business Model Canvas, analisis biaya manfaat, analisis SWOT, dan analisis sensitivitas dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab karhutla di gambut dan upaya terkait restorasi gambut; mengidentifikasi komoditas yang cocok diterapkan di lahan gambut; mengkaji pengembangan komoditas terpilih dan menghitung kelayakan bisnisnya. Model bisnis agroforestry karet, kopi, dan gaharu yang dipilih karena cocok secara ekologi dan layak secara finansial untuk diusahakan. Model ini memiliki NPV Rp 260.430.088, BCR 2,14, IRR 24%, dan Payback Period 2,37 tahun. Disamping memberikan manfaat ekonomi bagi masyarakat, pola pemanfaatan lahan dengan sistem agroforestry ini dapat meningkatkan jumlah serapan karbon dan merestorasi gambut, sehingga dapat berkontribusi pada agenda restorasi gambut dan capaian komitmen NDC. Kata kunci : Agroforestry, analisis biaya manfaat, karhutla, restorasi gambut, Kanvas Model Bisnisid
dc.description.abstractLand and forest fires have caused a major impact on the environment, education, economy, politics, health, and social aspects. Forest and land fires is driven by the use of fire in land preparation process. This study was conducted in Siak District, Riau Province. Primary data were collected through observation, Focus Group Discussion, and interviews; and enriched with secondary data. Content analysis, Business Model Canvas, cost-benefit analysis, SWOT analysis, and sensitivity analysis were performed to identify the causes of forest and land fires in peatland; identify efforts in peatland restoration; identify suitable commodities on peatlands; and assess the development of selected commodities and calculate their business feasibility. Rubber, coffee, and agarwood agroforestry business model was selected because of its ecological suitability and financial feasibility. This model has an NPV value of Rp 260.430.088, BCR value of 2,14, IRR value of 24%, and a 2,37-year payback period. Besides providing economic benefits for the community, agroforestry system can improve carbon absorption and restore peatland. Hence, it can contribute to the peatland restoration agenda and the achievement of NDC
dc.description.sponsorshipCIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research)id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengembangan Bisnis Berkelanjutan dalam Rangka Restorasi Gambut di Kabupaten Siak, Provinsi Riauid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordRestorasi Gambutid
dc.subject.keywordBusiness Model Canvasid
dc.subject.keywordAnalisis biaya manfaatid
dc.subject.keywordforest and land firesid
dc.subject.keywordpeatland restorationid
dc.subject.keywordBusiness Model Canvasid
dc.subject.keywordcost-benefit analysisid

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