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dc.contributor.advisorUlum, Mokhamad Fakhrul
dc.contributor.advisorPamungkas, Joko
dc.contributor.authorGhossani, Muhammad Nico
dc.description.abstractMetode pembelajaran simulasi terbukti efektif meningkatkan kompetensi peserta pelatihan dalam menggunakan alat diagnostik pencitraan. Phantom digunakan sebagai model jaringan hewan menggantikan penggunaan hewan asli, namun model phantom yang tersedia secara komersial memiliki harga yang cukup mahal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan dan menilai purwarupa atau model phantom berbahan dasar gelatin ―ballistic gel‖ sebagai pengganti phantom komersial. Phantom dibuat dengan 2 formulasi: gelatin tanpa pengawet dan gelatin dengan pengawet BNF 10%. Besi, plastik dan telur puyuh digunakan sebagai model benda asing. Phantom dan benda asing dievaluasi menggunakan ultrasonografi, radiografi digital dan electrical impedance tomography. Uji durabilitas menunjukkan phantom tanpa pengawet mengalami penyusutan tertinggi sebesar 90,95%, sedangkan phantom dengan pengawet BNF hanya sebesar 2,53%. Phantom dengan pengawet BNF menunjukkan konsistensi lebih kenyal dan tahan terhadap kerusakan. Penambahan pengawet BNF 10% tidak mempengaruhi ekogenitas gel dan model benda asing. Ultrasonografi dapat mencitrakan tetapi sulit membedakan model benda asing, radiografi dapat membedakan model benda asing besi dan telur dengan baik, dan electrical impedance tomography dapat membedakan model benda asing berdasarkan jenis bahan yang tampak secara kontras resistivitas dengan warna yang
dc.description.abstractSimulation training method is proven to be effective in increasing the competency of the trainees in using imaging diagnostic tools. Phantoms are used as animal tissue models to replace the use of animals, however commercially available phantoms are quite expensive. This study aims to develop and assess a phantom model based on ―ballistic gel‖ gelatin as an alternative to commercial phantoms. Phantoms were made with 2 formulations: gelatin without preservatives and gelatin with 10% BNF preservative. Iron, plastic and quail eggs were used as models of foreign bodies. Phantom and foreign body models were evaluated for durability and image quality by using ultrasonography, digital radiography and electrical impedance tomography. Durability test showed that phantom without preservative experienced the highest syneresis of 90.95%, while phantom with BNF preservative only 2.53%. Phantom with BNF preservative shows a more chewy consistency and more resistance to damage. The addition of 10% BNF preservative did not affect the echogenicity of the gel and the foreign body models. Ultrasonography hard to distinguish type of foreign body models, however radiography able to distinguish foreign bodies, and electrical impedance tomography shows image foreign bodies based on the type of material that displayed in resistivity contrast with different
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengembangan Ballistic Gel Sebagai Phantom Untuk Media Pembelajaran Diagnostik Pencitraanid
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Ballistic Gel as A Phantom for Imaging Diagnostic Learning Mediaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordballistic gelid
dc.subject.keywordelectrical impedance tomographyid

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