dc.contributor.advisor | Noviana, Deni | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Afiff, Usamah | |
dc.contributor.author | Yi Xin, Leaw | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2022-07-19T08:33:51Z | |
dc.date.available | 2022-07-19T08:33:51Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2022 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.ipb.ac.id/handle/123456789/112627 | |
dc.description.abstract | Ovariohysterectomy is routine surgery in small animal practice and wound
dehiscence is the most common postoperative complications in this surgery. The
objective of this study was to compare the suture pattern for skin closure in feline
ovariohysterectomy. A total of 42 female cats were randomly assigned for buried
continuous intradermal (BCID) suture pattern and simple interrupted (SI) suture
pattern for skin closure. The closure techniques were evaluated by using
nonabsorbable nylon suture. The variables include weight, incisional length, length
of suture used and time required for skin closure. The cats were observed for wound
score which include swelling, erythema, inflammatory exudate and dehiscence at
18 to 24 hours and 5 to 7 days after surgery without the use of Elizabethan collar.
The results showed that there was significant difference in the total wound score
between BCID and SI at 5 to 7 days. Simple interrupted has higher degree of
postoperative complications, particularly wound dehiscence. Buried continuous
intradermal is recommended for skin closure in feline ovariohysterectomy as it has
lesser complications and reduce the risk of infection caused by self-trauma. | id |
dc.description.abstract | Ovariohisterektomi merupakan operasi rutin pada hewan kecil dan dehisensi
luka adalah komplikasi yang paling umum pasca operasi. Tujuan penelitian ini
adalah untuk membandingkan pola penjahitan kulit pada ovariohisterektomi kucing.
Sebanyak 42 kucing betina dibagikan kepada dua kelompok secara acak, yaitu
buried continuous intradermal (BCID) dan simple interrupted (SI). Teknik
penutupan dievaluasi dengan menggunakan jahitan nilon nonabsorbable. Variabel
termasuk berat kucing, panjang sayatan, panjang benang jahit yang digunakan dan
waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk penjahitan kulit. Skor luka termasuk pembengkakan,
eritema, eksudat inflamasi dan dehisensi. Skor luka dievaluasi pada 18 sampai 24
jam dan 5 sampai 7 hari setelah operasi tanpa menggunakan kerah Elizabeth. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada total skor
luka antara BCID dan SI pada 5 sampai 7 hari. Simple interrupted memiliki
komplikasi yang lebih banyak, terutama dehisensi luka. Buried continuous
intradermal direkomendasikan untuk penjahitan kulit karena komplikasinya lebih
kurang dan juga mengurangi risiko infeksi yang disebabkan oleh trauma. | id |
dc.language.iso | en_US | id |
dc.publisher | IPB University | id |
dc.title | Comparison of Suture Patterns for Skin Closure in Feline Ovariohysterectomy | id |
dc.type | Undergraduate Thesis | id |
dc.subject.keyword | Continuous intradermal | id |
dc.subject.keyword | Ovariohysterectomy | id |
dc.subject.keyword | Simple interrupted | id |