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dc.contributor.advisorAdnyane, I Ketut Mudite
dc.contributor.advisorLukman, Denny Widaya
dc.contributor.authorDwipayana, Krisna
dc.description.abstractChicken meat is one the protein source for human body. Application of chilling and freezing temperature to the meat could maintain the quality of the meat and extend the storage time. The purpose of this research was to identify activity of respondents in purchasing chilled/frozen chicken meat, opinion of respondents on chilled/frozen chicken meat, preference of respondents on chilled/frozen chicken meat, relation between characteristics of respondents and purchase activity on chilled/frozen chicken meat, and relation between characteristics of respondents and opinion on chillec/frozen chicken meat in Subdistrict of South Sumedang, District of Sumedang. Determination of the samples was carried out by using the non-probability sampling method. The data was analyzed descriptively and the relation of the characteristics of respondents with the purchase activity and opinion was analyzed using the chi-square test (χ2). The result of this study showed that the majority of respondents were women (73,0%), with bachelor’s degree (56,4%) and working as civil servants (24,0%). Half of respondents have purchased chilled/frozen chicken meat (57,0%). Halal was the first preference of respondents (89,0%) that was followed by clean and odorless meat (85,0%). There was no significant relationship (p > 0,05) between characteristics of respondents and purchase activity and opinion of respondents on chilled/frozen chicken
dc.description.abstractDaging ayam merupakan salah satu sumber protein bagi tubuh manusia. Penerapan suhu dingin dan beku pada daging mampu mempertahankan kualitas daging dan memperpanjang masa simpan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji preferensi konsumen, pendapat konsumen, dan menganalisis hubungan karakteristik konsumen dengan preferensi dan pendapat konsumen terhadap daging ayam dingin/beku di Kecamatan Sumedang Selatan, Kabupaten Sumedang pada tahun 2022. Penentuan sampel yang digunakan yaitu penarikan contoh tak berpeluang atau metode non-probability Sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode analisis deskriptif dan analitis. Hubungan antara karakteristik dan pendapat konsumen terhadap daging ayam dingin/beku pada penelitian ini dianalisis secara analitis menggunakan uji chi-square (χ2). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas responden adalah perempuan (73,0%), berpendidikan S1 (56,4%) dan bekerja sebagai aparatur sipil negara (24,0%). Separuh responden pernah membeli daging ayam beku/dingin (57,0%). Halal adalah pilihan pertama responden (89,0%) diikuti oleh daging yang bersih dan tidak berbau (85,0%). Tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan (p > 0,05) antara karakteristik responden dengan aktivitas beli dan pendapat responden terhadap daging ayam beku/
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePreferensi Konsumen terhadap Daging Ayam Dingin/Beku di Kecamatan Sumedang Selatan, Kabupaten Sumedangid
dc.title.alternativeConsumers Preverence on Chilled/Frozen Chicken Meat in South Sumedang Districtid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordnon-probability samplingid
dc.subject.keywordchicken meatid
dc.subject.keywordchi-square testid

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