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dc.contributor.advisorLukman, Denny Widaya
dc.contributor.advisorDarusman, Huda Shalahudin
dc.contributor.authorAprilina, Wiladatika Ulya
dc.description.abstractPeningkatan pendapatan, pengetahuan, dan kesadaran akan kesehatan mendorong peningkatan pembelian pangan sumber protein hewani seperti daging ayam. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi minat dan alasan konsumen tidak membeli daging ayam dingin atau beku, serta pendapat dan preferensi konsumen terhadap daging ayam di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Data diperoleh dari 400 responden yang berdomisili di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Penyajian data dilakukan menggunakan Microsoft Excel dan hubungan antara karakteristik responden dengan pendapat diperoleh melalui analisis data menggunakan metode Chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden (86,17%) membeli daging ayam dingin atau beku 1-2 kali dalam sebulan, dengan kuantitas sebagian besar (42,55%) 0-0,25 kg dalam satu kali pembelian, dan lokasi pembelian di kios rumahan (41,49%). Mayoritas responden (76,50%) tidak pernah membeli daging ayam dingin atau beku karena daging ayam dingin atau beku dianggap berbahaya. Penelitian ini menemukan hubungan yang signifikan (p-value < 0,05) antara usia responden dengan pendapat responden. Preferensi konsumen dalam pembelian daging ayam adalah daging yang dipotong secara baik dan
dc.description.abstractThe demand of chicken meat increases because the increase of income, knowledge, and awareness of health. This study aimed to identify consumer interests and reasons did not buy chilled or frozen chicken meat, as well as consumer opinions and preferences towards chicken meat in East Lombok District. Data was obtained from 400 respondents in East Lombok District. The data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel and the relationship between the characteristics of respondents and opinions was analyzed using the Chi-square method. The result showed that most respondents (86,17%) purchased chilled or frozen chicken meat 1-2 times in a month, most half (42,55%) of respondents purchased of 0-0,25 kg in one purchase, and the location of purchase at kios in home (41,49%). The majority of respondents (76,50%) never bought chilled or frozen chicken meat because chilled or frozen chicken meat was considered dangerous. This study found a significant relationship (p < 0.05) between the age of respondents with respondents' opinions. Consumer preferences in the purchase of chicken meat were
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePreferensi Konsumen Terhadap Daging Ayam di Kabupaten Lombok Timurid
dc.title.alternativeConsumer Preference for Chicken Meat in East Lombok Districtid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordchilled or frozen chicken meat, East Lombok District, preferenceid
dc.subject.keywordEast Lombok District

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