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dc.contributor.advisorArif, Ridi
dc.contributor.advisorSuprayogi, Agik
dc.contributor.authormuminin, okta irviana
dc.description.abstractAnemia pada domba dapat terjadi akibat kehilangan darah, perdarahan dan infeksi parasit seperti haemonchus contortus. Anemia akut bisa didiagnosis secara klinis dengan melihat kepucatan pada konjungtiva. Penelitian ini bertujuan kuantifikasi kepucatan konjungtiva untuk membantu diagnosis anemia akut. Hewan model penelitian yaitu domba dibagi dua kelompok kontrol (K) dan Perlakuan (P) masing masing kelompok berjumlah tiga domba. Domba Perlakuan diambil darah untuk membuat anemia pada hewan dengan prosedur. Nilai Pixel red konjungtiva domba kontrol 105-120 pixel dan perlakuan berpola 120-150 dan hematologi mengindikasikan anemia. Nilai korelasi hemoglobin dengan kepucatan pada kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan yaitu -0,63 dan -0,62 sehingga apabila nilai red naik (pucat) maka nilai hemoglobin menurun. Pengujian ANOVA varaibel uji kelompok perlakuan terhadap waktu sampling menyatakan bahwa variabel Hb, RBC, dan PCV tidak signifikan (>0,05) sedangkan pixel red signifikan (<0,05). Hal ini berarti bahwa pengambilan darah berdampak pada penurunan derajat kemerahan konjungtiva (pucat).id
dc.description.abstractAnemia in animals can be caused by blood loss, bleeding, and parasitic infection like Haemonchus contortus. The acute state of this infection also causes pallor of the conjunctiva and can be diagnosed clinically by looking at the pallor of the conjunctiva. This study aims to quantify conjunctival pallor to help diagnose acute anemia. The animal model of the study is sheep, was divided into two groups, it is control (K) and treatment (P) groups, each group consisting of three sheep. Treatment sheep group is drawn blood to make the animals anemic by the procedure. The conjunctival red pixel value of control sheep was 105-120 pixel and the treatment pattern was 120-150 pixel and Hematology indicated anemia. The correlation value of hemoglobin with pallor in the control and treatment groups were -0.63 and -0.62, so that if the red value increased (pale), the hemoglobin value decreased. The ANOVA test of the treatment group test variables against the sampling time stated that the Hb, RBC, and PCV variables were not significant (> 0.05) while the pixel red significant (< 0.05). This means that taking blood has an impact on decreasing the degree of conjunctival redness (pallor).id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKuantifikasi Derajat Kepucatan Konjungtiva Domba untuk Membantu Diagnosis Anemia Akutid
dc.title.alternativeQuantification of Degree Paleness Sheep Conjungtiva to Assist in the Diagnosis Acute Anemiaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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