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dc.contributor.advisorJaya, I Nengah Surati
dc.contributor.advisorPrihanto, Budi
dc.contributor.authorAbubakar, Zahra Fadhilah
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini mengkaji pendugaan biomassa hutan lahan kering menggunakan teknologi penginderaan jarak jauh radar. Pendugaan biomassa menggunakan citra SAR Sentinel-1 dengan polarisasi VH dan VV. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa model penduga terbaiknya adalah B (biomassa) = 132,4 e37,96 RLee_VH*VV dengan nilai koefisien determinasi sebesar 49,1% dan nilai simpangan baku sebesar 0,24. Secara spasial, penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa sediaan biomasa tegakan di areal kerja PT Trisetia Intiga yang didominasi oleh hutan lahan kering sekunder mempunyai biomasa dengan kisaran antara 132 ton/ha dan 200 ton/
dc.description.abstractThe presence of radar image technology with medium spatial resolution has become a reliable source of data that could be utilized for the forestry and environmental sectors. This study develops the estimation model of dryland forest biomass using radar remote sensing technology. The biomass estimation model was developed using Sentinel-1 SAR imagery with VH and VV polarizations. This study found that the best estimator model is B (biomass) = 132,4 e37,96 RLee_VH*VV with a coefficient of determination of 49,1% and a standard deviation of 0,24. This study shows that the standing biomass stock in the PT Trisetia Intiga concession area, which is dominated by secondary dryland forest, has average of biomass stock between 132 tons/ha and 200 tons/
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePembangunan Model Penduga Biomassa Hutan Berbasis Citra SAR Sentinel-1: Studi Kasus di Areal Kerja PT Trisetia Intiga, Kalimantan Tengahid
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Forest Biomass Estimation Model Based on Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery: A Case Study in the Work Area of PT Trisetia Intiga, Central Kalimantanid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordEstimation modelid
dc.subject.keywordRemote Sensingid

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